Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My Thoughts Exactly

Pat Sajak of all people managed to voice my exact thoughts on celebrity political endorsements:

"If any group of citizens is uniquely unqualified to tell someone else how to vote, it’s those of us who live in the sheltered, privileged arena of celebrityhood...the idea of choosing the Leader of the Free World based on the advice of someone who lives in the cloistered world of stardom seems a bit loony"

I couldn't have said it better.

More: HERE


More on How Much I Hated The Mist

So the other day I posted what might quite possibly have been the world's shortest movie review.  I feel compelled to expand on it for two reasons. First, I haven't really posted at all recently and that, despite my lack of an audience, is kind of a  lame and shitty way to maintain a blog.  Second, this movie sucked so hard it had to have been spawned from the unwashed    asshole of Satan.  Nothing else on earth could generate such colossal suck.

I've had a long standing disdain for movies based on Stephen King stories, as they generally aren't fit to spit polish the crap-stained boots of the lowliest b-movie, but this one takes it to a whole new level of wanting my money back - and considering homicidal retribution for the lost two hours I'll never get back.  I actually didn't plan on even seeing the movie in the first place but got to the theater just in time to find out they had canceled the late showing of Beowulf, and this was the only other thing that looked like it may have some saving grace.  I should have trusted my instincts and just shot myself then.

I remember a week ago or so in the news none other than Stephen King himself was ranting about how anyone who reveals the ending of the movie should be hanged.  After having sat through this stupid abortion of a movie, I know why.  He knew that anyone who got wind of the real ending wouldn't even bother to set foot in the theater, let alone spend a hard earned 9.75 to find out the movie had stupid obnoxious characters that made me want to hurl sharp and or explosive objects at the screen.  Only later to find out it had the most contrived-for-groans ending in movie history.

He killed his kid ten seconds before finding out he was safe.  How's that for a spoiler?  Save yourself the money and go get a root canal if you want to have the same amount of fun.


Tuesday, November 27, 2007