Thursday, January 12, 2006

Phlegm is Your Friend

Mucinex is the God of all medicines. Hell, even crack bows down to it. Hydrocodone...well, we'll discuss that at a later date, but let's suffice it to say that Mucinex is officially the best working and yet simultaneously most reviled medicine I've ever forced down my gullet.

I've had this semi-bronchitis feeling thing for several days now, and it's been making me feel like I need to heave almost every time I move. My airways get all plugged up and sludge-filled and just the thought of it is enough to make me gag. On my wife's recommendation, I procured and popped a couple of these little blue and white snot assassins.

Within hours every single cough sent me scurrying for a suitable target at which to launch a slippery green oblong gob of noselube. It's the most disgusting thing ever. I can't fathom how my head can hold so much of this shit. Right in the middle of a phone call with my dad earlier, there was one little cough and off I had to go to expel the slimy sputum.

I'm not sure (mainly because to do this would make me vomit up my intestines) but I believe that if I managed to save every little gelatinous gob of the stuff I could probably fashion a life-sized model of my own head by now.

Mucinex, we who are about to cough salute you.

On a more personal note, we didn't get the apartment (over a minor technicality) however, we are on a waiting list and will get the next available one. Chalk up one more load lifted. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting alot closer now. Thank God.