Saturday, March 7, 2009

Pleasant Surprises

I finally forced myself to sit through a full episode of House tonight, and to my surprise, I actually enjoyed it. I’d tried a few times but had never been able to really get into it.  I don’t know what changed, but I really dug it.  Even got a real honest to goodness laugh out of me at one point.

On another note, I picked up a curious little device at Officemax the other day.  It’s a portable backup hard drive by a company called Clickfree.  The neat thing is, it really is.  You literally just plug the thing in to your USB port and off it goes.  It backed up all my music, emails, pictures….everything.  I didn’t have to do a thing other than connect it.  There’s no software to screw around with or anything.  I’m VERY impressed with it. 

Capacity wise, it’s a little small, but taking stock of the files I needed to back up, it will work fine for me.  I picked up the 120 gig version on clearance for 59 bucks.  On the clickfree website it’s going for 89.

I may be upgrading to a bigger model in the near future as my ever-growing digital media collection swells to epic heights.

The only low point of the day was when Kelly drove me from the TV with her insistence on watching Bring it On.  But, if that’s the worst thing to happen I think I can safely say it was a good day.