185 days have gone by since last I labored to sit myself down before the keyboard and spew my thoughts out here. Of all things to prompt me to actually put finger to plastic once more, I'm sitting here listening to Sirius at w**k, and am stunned with how repetitive this station is.
Though I don't know the actual name of this station (access to the receiver is more precious than gold here,) I can say that apparently it's called 'Top 5 80s Rock Songs.'
The entire catalog seems to consist of Quiet Riot, Guns N' Roses and occasionally, some Crue for a change of pace. Don't get me wrong, I like some of the songs. It's just that there's really only so many times in a day you can hear Welcome to the Jungle before you want to scream and or tear someone's head off in a fit of maniacal rage and then paint my own simulated Pleistocene cave art on the walls with their blood. Or maybe that's just me. I don't know, I guess I could be over-reacting a bit. Either way, for the six or seven people out there who regularly stumble across this site, here's lookin' at you. I'm back.