Sunday, May 22, 2005

The Takeover is Complete

There were stormtroopers in the city park today.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Less Than Attention Grabbing Title

I have no stunningly catchy title for this post, or even a half-assedly assembled one. I've been busy with not much to say recently, hence the lack of updates. Everyone is doing well, and things are going as well as can be expected under the circumstances.

Today began and ended with The Wiggles on TV, Jack's favorite show. He utterly adores them. I'm feeling pretty good today; I had some weird stomach jitters thing going on yesterday that pretty much took me out of commission for a good chunk of the day.

I set up a real website and started posting there, as an alternative to Blogger. Thing is, I just don't really know what the need is when I have this, so perhaps I'll go ahead and make that the portfolio site I've been thinking of for ages. I'd gone ahead and installed wordpress, which I really like, and had been updating it using Ecto, which I also really like. I'd even gone so far as to install a forum, which I was under the impression that at least more than one of my friends would visit. I was wrong, so effective tonight, the forum is closed, and I'll probably delete the site and start from scratch. Maybe.

I'm not horribly interested in it, or much of anything, at this point. I kind of think our living situation is catching up to me, and I'm just about on the edge of insanity. I know there has to be some sort of mild depression involved, but I'm never going to admit that anywhere but here. I can work through that on my own.

I guess this post is pretty much pointless; it's kind of turning into the same angst-ridden shit I hate to read, so I'll end it until I think of something more interesting.

Sunday, May 8, 2005

You ain't seen the last of me, pardner.

Yes, it's true. I'm back in action. Sort of. It's been utterly crazy here, and I've got tons of things going on. For example, this past monday morning, my boss told me not to bother coming in to work, because he wanted me here at home to work on a website for his mother's business. Fine and dandy, only I'm not getting paid for the site, or for the week of work i just missed. But wait, it gets better. Monday morning, Kelly collapsed in the kitchen around 8:30 clutching her chest and rocking back and forth while moaning in pain. My mother in law took over watching the kids, and I called 911. Luckily for us, the fire station is all of a mile from our house, so the response time was less than 5 minutes.

We got her to the hospital and they managed to get her relaxed and calm, and several x-rays later, we found out she has pneumonia in her left lung. I called home to let everyone know how she was doing, and found out there was a message from my jackass boss asking me when his mom's website would be done and rambling on about some miscellaneous issues. I pretty much tuned him out. Over the next few days, I was super-stay-at-home dad, watching the kids by myself while Kelly slept and tried to recuperate. I have no idea how she does that on a daily basis. I love them dearly, but they wore me completely out.

Anyway, more to the point, I get home one night after having dinner with my parents and find out my boss had called and left several messages for me, which of course, I didn't get. I checked my email shortly thereafter and find an email from him saying something to the effect of "Haven't heard from you, what is status of site, will you please communicate."

One of my biggest peeves, and this is a full-on peeve, not a pet, is people who insist on writing their emails as if they are telegrams, charged by the word. Write out a damn full thought, will you? Jesus. Anyway, the week ended, weekend began, ended, and I've still heard nothing more from him. I assume at this point I'm out of a job. I've needed a good kick in the ass to find another job, and I guess that is it. I need a better income anyway, so I'm not terribly distraught. Some things just aren't what you think they are.

That being said, my weekend has been surprisingly good. Kelly is feeling much better, and my parents have been a huge help given my lack of income this week. Aeryn was dedicated at church today, and Jack, well, he's just been a great kid. He got to go play at nana and poppy's house today, and couldn't have been any happier.

Oh, and I got my first comment on this blog. I checked it out, and I am even linked! How badass is that?