Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Snakes in a Motherf*cking Theater

This has got to be one of the dumbest, most dangerous, and thoughtless pranks ever pulled on hapless moviegoers. Now that I've said that, these were people who paid their hard-earned money to watch a movie about snakes - on a plane, making this prank, though ill-advised, pretty damn funny.

Two live diamondback rattlesnakes were released in an Arizona movie theater during a showing of the new film "Snakes on a Plane," according to Local 6 News.

"That to me is very scary," herpetological association representative Tom Whiting said. "I would hate to be watching a movie about snakes and have a rattlesnake bite me."

No shit. I'll take that and raise him one. I'd hate to be doing anything and have a rattlesnake bite me.

local6.com - Local News - Live Rattlesnakes Released In 'Snakes On A Plane' Theater