Once again life has kept me from updating, but not from having more of my patented bizarre, scandalous and shocking adventures.
Today's adventure was of the benign variety, so let the gory details commence.
While changing a diaper today, I noticed something large and blue inside my daughter's nose. Now, being a father I've seen many multicolored things come out of places you wouldn't expect, but this one struck me as unusual. I called the wife over for backup, and she immediately recognized the blue, nostril-blocking obstruction as - an aquadot. My children have never been the type to taste things they shouldn't, or insert things into their head...until today.
I can't explain why, but Aeryn apparently thought it would be fun to ram an actual frigging aquadot into her skull.
She gave us no clue it was in there; it was only my obsessive fatherly booger-check that detected it in the first place.
She held remarkably still while doctor mom removed it with a pair of tweezers, thus saving the day. Fittingly, she followed up with a diaper full of irish-green, pasty, sticky napalm-poop. It was the kind of thing you'd see if she'd eaten and digested a leprechaun. It was nauseating, though strangely fruity smelling, but I digress.
Between this adventure and Jack's geyser-like pus-filled infected leg of doom last month, I've had my fill of kids in distress for a while.