Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Change Of Pace or The Night Away

We needed a change of pace tonight, and luckily, the in-laws needed someone to house-sit. Talk about a happy congruence of events. The kids stayed up a wee bit later than I'd hoped, and my wife crashed out on the delightfully cushy couch I'd planned to call home for the next several hours, but I've got dead quiet and tranquility and that's all I could really ask for right now.

One drawback: the 1880s farm house we're staying in is sorely lacking in its ability to retain heat, and thus, I'm frozen. My toes stopped responding to signals from my brain almost an hour ago. I'm hoping the cat will soon come over and curl up on my feet, to be honest. Instead, he'd rather prowl around on the desk occasionally blocking my view and threatening to knock my precious Boylan's root beer on the floor. Which, I suppose brings up an interesting question. Why am I drinking an ice-cold drink when I'm colder than the arctic ice pack?

Where's global warming when you need it?

In any event, I'm thankful that tonight, the four of us can be just the four of us.