Tuesday, April 12, 2005


God do I love the Mac. I have never had this much fun with a computer. But I digress. Nothing much is terribly new, so I will just add this random bit of freeform poetry or whatever you call it that I came up with today.

i’m trapped

melted down and fused into your 
putrid plastic reality

i’m sick to death of you
to mold me
 force me and shape me 

to conform to the form 
of your warped pipedream
 sicker still of your duality
heavy-handed hypocrisy 

you obfuscate and subjugate
 and do no wrong

your heartless mind needs this completeness

of perceived perfection to sustain the illusion

that you are somehow

worth something

to someone

Don't know where that came from, but it was written sitting in a Toyota pickup in Silver Spring.