Friday, April 1, 2005

The Glorious Appearing

I'm still sick. Miserable is more like it. Head colds are the absolute worst. All the coughing, sneezing, runny nose stuff gets old. I still am actually at a loss to figure out exactly how the human head can produce so much sludge. Some things are best left as mysteries. I felt like crap and left work after less than an hour. On the way home I decided to pick up some Zicam to try to knock this thing out as fast as possible. So far, I've managed to disgust myself with the chalky taste of the disolvable tablets I for some reason chose over the less invasive nasal spray. They're so disgusting and revolting that I'd almost rather just feel sick.

On top of all that, poor little Jack has caught what I have. I feel so bad for my little man. Hopefully he'll sleep well tonight and fight this off. Hopefully I will too.

As I sat around the house wiping my nose and generally feeling horrid today, I was suddenly stirred into motion by the sight of a FedEx truck coming down the road...slowing, and pulling into my driveway. I leapt from my chair like a kid on Christmas morning. My iBook has arrived, and I'm using it to post right now. My initial impressions? I'm NEVER going back to windows. Never. I remember when I got my compaq laptop; it took nearly an hour to get the wireless connectivity to work. My iBook hooked up to the network while it was going through the set-up process. Seamless. And smooth....oh how smooth. This truly is the BMW of computers.

I could punch myself for not switching sooner.