Friday, June 3, 2005

I thought about it. I actually did.

For a brief moment I considered building a Windows PC for my wife. She is used to Windows, and quite frankly, even the idea of popping for one of those budget e-machines jobs sounded like a good idea just to get her up and running. Her old system is minus the video card, and is slow as anything.

I was even thinking about putting it together as a moderately priced gaming rig. Then last night happened.

For the time being, I've got her using an ancient Dell we borrowed, whose native hard drive is corrupted to hell with virii and spyware aplenty. I hooked up new drive and installed Linspire on it. The damn computer fought me every step of the way. It's painfully slow. I could run DOS on it and it would be slow. It just sucks. Badly.

Last night it would not boot. I spent over an hour tearing it apart, booting, rebooting, checking cables and jumpers....cutting my fingers on the inside of the case and perhaps most importantly, wasting time that I could be using to do something constructive. When I finally got the damn thing to boot, and I still don't know how I accomplished that herculean task, I looked at my wife and snarled, "You're getting a Mac."

I forgot how little I enjoyed having to gut PCs on a regular basis.

On a side note, the in-laws are going away this weekend, which means we actually get some privacy. F*ing w00t!