Saturday, June 25, 2005

I've Been Away From You For So Long

I'm still here. The new job didn't work out at all. I hated it after only a couple days. Probably didn't hurt that I was being not-trained by someone who seemed less than enthusiastic about imparting ANY job knowledge. I gave it a full month, and still knew absolutely nothing. I tried, I really did. I just didn't like the atmosphere, people, or lack of training...hell, even the pay sucked.

There has GOT to be something better out there.

On a side note, we went to a party with some friends this afternoon, which was a nice change of pace. Mom and Dad watched the kids while we got to have some away time. I felt refreshed, but missed the kids terribly. When we got home, Jack curled up with me on the couch to watch the Wiggles before bed. It's moments like that which keep me going in this seemingly never-ending quest for a normal life.

Oh, I nearly forgot. Almost a full year after breaking down, the Sable is back up and running. All this after putting close two thousand dollars into a car which only cost me three thousand to start with. Three days after it came home, it needed another 160 dollar repair, but I fault the dealer for not doing a very thorough job the first time. Not bad timing considering the brakes on the minivan failed literally the day the Sable got out of the shop...a quick estimate revealed some other major issues, to the tune of a few thousand bucks. Luckily, that piece of shit belongs to the in-laws. Enjoy!