Aside from sounding like something that should come from the mouth of a three-year old, George Lucas' comment regarding the story or lack thereof in Spiderman 3 is startling.
"[Lucas] has seen all the summer movies since his company, Industrial Light and Magic, does most of the special effects. The only one they didn't work on was "Spider-Man 3." What did he think of it?
"It's silly. It's a silly movie," he said. "There just isn't much there. Once you take it all apart, there's not much story, is there?"
This coming from the man who brought us 'Jar-Jar Binks,' mangled his own Star Wars franchise into a total piece of CGI garbage with three consecutive disposable movies (and three 'enhanced' versions) that ruined the originial trilogy, and now plans to drop two more Star Wars turds upon the world.