So this little whiny prick Adam Gadahn shows up in the MSM again today after starring in another Al Qaeda direct-to-video masterpiece. That's all well and good since I hadn't yet had my daily fill of douchebaggery. Thanks, Adam.
That's not particularly newsworthy really, nor is his asinine ravings about the evils of Bush while ignoring the tendency of Al Qaeda affiliates to blow shit up in the name of a fairy tale.
Especially un-newsworthy is the fact that in his latest video production, the precocious little cockmaster makes a scene out of tearing up his U.S. passport and renouncing his citizenship, claiming:
"...I don't need it to travel anyway."
Um, k. Good for him. Yipee even. Way to stick it to the man you flaming pansy fucktard.
Oh wait, he did issue some vague threats toward President Bush. Haven't heard that before.
I'm so tired of these blowhard asspirates going on and on about fucking Allah and imperialist zionist crusader occupiers. Shut the fuck up already. Really. You're not scaring anybody, and you look fucking retarded with a bedsheet wrapped around your head talking about killing and maiming nonbelievers because we're so barbaric.
What kind of convoluted opium-enhanced logic is that? Did you idiots ever think that if you'd just stop killing people and blowing shit up we'd let you alone?
You're like the schoolyard bully who acts tough, gives a wedgie or two then keeps running his mouth off until someone knocks your fucking lights out.
I'd pay cash to see if he's got balls enough to keep talking that shit the day our boys kick down his door and shove an M16 in his face.
Keep talking, Gadahn, we're reloading.