Monday, April 13, 2009

Profanity Filter: OFF

Oh my sweet Christ, here we go with the ‘Obama showed them damned Republicans’ bullshit fest.

Some conservatives were attempting to paint Barack Obama as a weak leader over the pirate hostage drama. They are eating crow now.

Eating crow my ass.  I’ve had enough of this taint licking Obamachrist worship, and it fucking has to stop NOW.  Obama didn’t do shit.  Navy SEALS did.  All he did was say ‘ok.’

Navy SEALS = Pwnage with mad snipa skillz0rz.

Obama = got a puppy.

Do you see the stark gulf of galactic proportions concerning his involvement in this whole affair?

For the benefit of those of you unable to extract your noses from Obama’s asshole long enough to see what is going on, I’m going to lay  out the one and only acceptable scenario under which he could rightly be considered a god.

Barack Obama wakes up on a cloud floating near Mt. Olympus.  His morning wood is the axis around which the globe spins. He takes his morning piss and there is a tsunami. On fucking Mars.

He makes Zeus wash his underwear and keeps Aphrodite as a mistress.

He shits mountains of gold,platinum,titanium,diamonds or any combination thereof.

He dons a superhero cape and flying down to earth with inhuman speed, fires lasers out of his eyeballs vaporizing the evil pirates on sight, then, merely by snapping his fingers, teleports himself through space and time where he becomes a Roman Emperor and builds a museum to his greatness out of only his own discarded skin cells.

Then, and only then, will I eat crow and acknowledge the deity of this asshole.

Navy SEALS for the motherfucking win.

By the way, I hear Obama leiks teh Mudkipz.

Peace out.