Saturday, blessed Saturday. Besides bringing me good tidings of a day off (Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAAAAYYYY) it also brings news of the cool. Here comes your double dose of geekgasm goodness.
First off is the badass looking trailer for Call of Duty 4. I've been a little battle-weary (har har) of the WWII shooter genre for a while now, and from what I see so far, the modern-day setting of COD4 looks like a very welcome change.
The setting looks heavily influenced by the Iraq war; including gritty, brutal urban combat. It definitely looks like something to keep my eye on.
As if that wasn't enough for one day, AICN has what may well be the first actual review of the Transformers movie. Gushing, heaping amounts of adolescent praise seems to be the order of the day. I now know for sure where I'll be on July 4th.