Saturday, July 14, 2007

Share the Road

I'm not a motorcycle owner or rider myself, and since I have an aversion to being turned into actual Chris-burger, I'm going to keep it that way. I know a lot of people who do ride them, and I do my best to be courteous to bikers on the road.

That sentiment is a two way street.  The other morning on the way in to work, some ignorant teenage little shit with a crotch rocket decided to weave in and out of traffic on a crowded highway with no signals, no regard for cars, and apparently no concern for his own safety.  Traffic was moving at a steady 85 mph and in his effort to break the Maryland land-speed record, he nearly careened into several cars, and was almost knocked off an embankment due to his failure to look around and make sure there were no cars where he tried to weave.

I was certain beyond all doubt that he was going to cause a major multiple car pileup, and was going to be flung, crushed or gutted as a result.  Several near misses later, he accelerated so quickly I lost visual contact with him. On a straightaway.

I kept waiting to see road-pizza and a mangled ninja, but alas, he escaped that least temporarily.

Oh well. Maybe next time.