This shit really pisses me off. What in the hell…I just opened iTunes and guess what I got treated to?
One of these things is most definitely not like the others. I’ve tolerated a lot of shit from this hippie sandal-wearing cult of personality, but come the fuck on. I’m so tired of this tolerance and acceptance garbage. I don’t have to tolerate or accept shit. Why is it that every gay person on earth apparently feels the need to let their sexuality define them? ‘Oh hi, I’m Andy, I’m gay.’
I don’t walk up to people and say ‘Hi, I’m Chris, I like tits!’ I mean, who really cares? I don’t give a shit if you want to go play excalibur in the corner with a leathered up biker dude, just don’t come over and tell me all about it, because I really don’t wanna know. Similiarly, I don’t care how many Playboy models you claim you get it on with on a daily basis. What you do with your junk on your own time is your own business.
Don’t give me this shit about ‘oooh, it’s a lifestyle…’ fuck you. Kayaking is a lifestyle. Being gay is a behavior.
I have the displeasure of living about an hour from DC, which is pretty much this coast’s San Francisco and I see enough gay pride stickers, rainbow decals, pink triangles, and all that happy horseshit on a daily basis. Now I can’t even fucking open iTunes to check out new music without having to see this crap.
Before any one of you assholes out there start playing the religion card, let me just tell you, religion has nothing to do with the fact that I don’t appreciate this stuff. Again, I direct your attention to the first paragraph of this post. You could be the gayest sonofabitch this planet ever produced…you could literally fart showtunes and shit studded leather and I wouldn’t care. Just don’t involve me in it. I don’t care where you shove your junk. I do not fucking care. If you are so vapid and shallow as to feel the need to define yourself by what you screw, then I really and truly pity you.