The shortest blog blackout in the history of the web is over, and Deliriously Normal is back. I was looking at things all wrong. I had really considered pulling the plug on Deliriously Normal, but dammit, 5 years is a long time to throw away, and I think maybe I was being a little over ambitious. I’ve struggled with a direction for this blog for a while, and I think blacking it out and starting a new one was the right thing to do. It cleared my head out, and gave me the presence of mind to really figure out what Deliriously Normal has become. I find that my posts here are so all over the board that I can’t really categorize them, and I think that’s exactly the point. I can’t pigeonhole it. It’s the place where I dump all the stuff that angers me, makes me laugh, makes me think, or just plain amazes me.
I’ve struggled with that, because sometimes there are personal, family type things that I want to get out of my system, and those posts just don’t fit here. That’s what’s been throwing me for a loop. Just like there is a ‘work’ me and a ‘home’ me, there needs to be a separation of thoughts and blog posts in much the same fashion. I have been thinking about this all day, and it just feels right. Deliriously Normal will continue, although in a slightly tweaked and less personal way. All the stuff that doesn’t fit here will go over to my new site, 32 to 1.
They say that writing is the best type of therapy there is, and I have to agree. Deliriously Normal has allowed me to vent for 5 years, and it’s going to stay that way; I just have a new outlet for things that don’t belong here. It feels good to finally figure it all out. For those two of you out there who visit, well, you’re stuck with me for a while.