Really people, this is just juvenile. No, it's beyond that. We passed juvenile years ago. We're somewhere behind the lines of the astonishingly stupid liberation army.
I like Macs. I like using Vista. (and on an actual PC, not in Parallels.) I'm ok with that. I just read a thread on Digg where people were actually questioning a poster's intelligence and even sexuality because he used Internet Explorer 7 with the Yahoo toolbar installed on Vista. extraction it seems that in order to prove your heterosexuality on the internet one must:
- Use Firefox
- Use Thunderbird
- Use OSX
- Use Ubuntu
- Install Ubuntu onto every electronic device capable of loading an OS including your alarm clock, if at all possible
- Absolutely and positively refuse to pay for any software.
Why? Because failure to meet these requirements will actually turn you into a raging homosexual. Really. Use IE7 and you will wake up in bed with Bruno and vaseline smeared all over your ass.
This raging fanboy circlejerk stuff is getting out of hand. I mean, what's next? People who prefer Pepsi to Coke are all dyslexic? I actually feel dumber now for taking the time to even mention this.