Friday, March 3, 2006

Mandatory Birthday Eve Musings

Another year has passed and I find myself enjoying my last few hours of twenty-eightness. It's been a long year, full of difficulty and stress, but then again, what year hasn't? I always fancied myself in a better life-situation than this by this age, but I've accepted where I am and resolved that things will change. We're moving soon; fourteen days to be exact, and that alone will make me feel orders of magnitude better about things. If I ever see my in-laws again after the 17th of this month, it will be far, far too soon.

On a lighter note, Jack managed to single-handedly wipe out a good chunk of my father-in-law's tropical fish collection this afternoon. He loves to stare at the aquarium in wonderment, and today he decided to help out by feeding the fish ('bursh' in Jack language). He then proceeded to dump half a can of fish food into the tank. It looked like a yellow/green blizzard inside the tank; flakes fell and swirled about making it hard to even find the fish. The snail sat motionless on the bottom of the tank with half an inch of fish food piled up on top of it, no doubt wondering what the hell was going on.

John transferred the fish to another bowl without properly adjusting the water temperature, and most of the fish started twirling and spinning randomly going into thermal shock. Technically I guess this means that John killed them, so that makes me feel a little better. Murderer. Heh.

Kelly and I took the kids out for dinner tonight, and had a wonderful time. The food was fantastic, but the real highlight of the evening came, interestingly enough, when Kelly had to slip out to the restroom. She was stopped by the elderly couple at the next table who told her how beautiful and sweet our children are, and how obvious it is that Jack loves his sister. We hear this type of thing a lot, more than I would have expected. Not that I'm complaining.

Jack really was being very sweet, helping Aeryn take sips out of his cup, and just generally loving on her. They really are great kids, though Aeryn pulled another all nighter last night. She slept from about 8 till 11, then was up until around 5 am. Kelly and I are both pretty much dead to the world about now.

That's about it for today. I guess I'll get off here, and get ready to face the big two-nine.