Thursday, March 30, 2006

Netgear Nightmare

Ever since we've moved, I've had so much to post about that I was actually growing concerned as to whether or not my cranium would burst under the excess load. 

Unfortunately, since we didn't have the wireless network setup yet, the only position available to me for computer use was either sitting 'native-american' style (see, I'm all PC now) on the floor, or laying flat out on my stomach while typing.  My back wasn't particularly fond of either method.

Enter the free Netgear router from my Father-In-Law.   Given graciously as a gift, the little paperback-sized bugger fought me to the very end.  It was like David (the router) trying to slay Chrisliath by slinging frustration at me, shot like a million little pebbles from it's stark white antenna, extended upward at me as if to flip me off. 

I've done this before, so I was prepared for a pretty easy setup.  Oh no. Not this time.  Mr. Router didn't want to play nice.  I had him communicating with my intermediary, Mr. iBook just fine.  He simply refused to be introduced to Mr. Internet at any cost.  I've been intermittently screwing around with it since Monday trying in vain to make it work, but nothing happened.  I've even got a replacement on the way from Newegg.  Such was the level of my frustration with it.  

Then, tonight, something in my head clicked.  Try it again, I thought.  Once more couldn't hurt.  If nothing happened, I had grand plans for the disposal of the unit involving urine, a third floor window, and fire.  So, I got up, turned on the light, and started to tweak the white menace one last time.  After cloning my MAC address and some rather unorthodox reboots, the bastard gave up the will to fight and lit up like a Christmas tree as the internet forced its way in like a drunk jock at a sorority party.

Within seconds, my Apple seemed to come alive as my dashboard widgets all sprung into action and I realized that I, master of all hardware, had reclaimed my birthright.  Now I, Christopher, can sit on the couch in my underwear and surf the net.  Once again, all is right in my little corner of the world.