Sunday, March 26, 2006

Movin' on Up

The move is complete, and we are free. It's been a fairly busy week, starting with the move.  One of my 'helpers' decided not to bother showing up so it was up to me and a friend of Kelly's to get the job done.  Moving things to the 3rd floor was more fun than an unmedicated root canal, but only slightly.  

Once we got settled, Kelly decided it would be fun to get a head cold, and I joined in two days later. Jack got a particularly nasty stomach virus causing him to throw up almost constantly for 3 days, requiring a 4am trip to the ER and his first IV (Don't EVER ask me to talk about that. It was horrid.) Aeryn decided this would be a good month to give up sleeping too.

I'm doing great.  Three months into the year and I've already had my third cold.  If I get another I'm donating my body to science. I will say this, I discoverd Cold-Eeze chewing gum, and I will personally buy stock in that company. Three days and I feel almost totally normal. I've never had a cold that short. The stuff is amazing.

Jack seems to be back to normal, so I'm going to celebrate the small things there.  We love the new apartment and the kids seem to be adjusting very well.  Aside from the whole rotavirus/ER/IV thing.  (Did I mention that was horrid?)

On a lighter note, the place feels like home already, and I can tell I'm going to trim down a bit just by coming and going.  The stairway is damn near eternal, and with kids, we generate a lot of smelly trash that needs to leave upon production.  

Mom and Dad came up to see the place today and loved it.  It was really good to see them, and the kids were thrilled.  Evidently my mom has come down with something similar to Jack's affliction. Of course, she's the type to avoid the doctor unless something is physically sticking out of an appendage so we'll see if Dad can get her in to see one.

Now that the cable internet is hooked up and I can get a better signal than the really weak wireless network I intercepted the first night I was here, I can get back into the swing and start posting here again.

On a side note, I realized today that I could save the defense industry billions on weapons R&D. My kids can totally destroy the tech and communications infrastructure of any small to middling country if given half a chance. Case in point, I spent a good bit of the morning chasing Aeryn around and pulling XBox games out of her little hands, while my son ran the other direction to play with my laptop. I think Aeryn was running interference. They seem to know what is valuable and breakable and target those things first. Honestly, put them in any environment and they gravitate to all the high tech fragile shit and leave the toys alone.

Toddlers - America's last, best line of defense.