Saturday, October 21, 2006

Reason #17 Why The West Is Superior

I've gotten my first hateful comment. Yay me. All because of a little lighthearted post called Reason #16 Why The West Is Superior. (Actually, it's more like reason 456,988 but I thought a little distortion wouldn't hurt.) I earned a little 'MoHate' by posting a simple comparison of middle eastern and western women's attire.

My incisive, stinging commentary ruffled some feathers, and though I responded to the comment, I felt it necessary to further shame the author by using it to illustrate this, reason #17 in my series 'Why The West Is Superior.'

Without further delay: the words of Mohit. Let them bathe you in wisdom.

that's bullshit u scumbag??let me tell ya how west is better off??u guys
fuck your moms at night and see your sisters getting fucked at night...just bcoz
there nothing really to look back at...doesn't mean u ain't got nothing...but of've got yourself and even that i am sure would be for sale when
needed to...

Reason #17 Why The West Is Superior: Literacy.

Ironically, when I went to look at 'Mohit's' Blogger profile, I noticed it was in...behind a veil.

Decadent Western Tags: