Saturday, April 1, 2006

San Francisco Sucks (Oh, the Irony)

If you're like most people, you probably didn't hear much if anything at all about a huge Christian rally called 'Battlecry for a Generation' in San Francisco recently.  Approximately 25,000 young Christians met up to worship together and make a statement against the glorification of drugs, alcohol, promiscuous and risky sexual behavior, selfish humanism and perversion in youth culture. 

Judging by the response of the city government, you'd think Adolf Hitler himself had spontaneously returned from the grave, materialized a legion of black-shirted SS troops and announced the creation of the Fourth Reich.  According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Assemblyman Mark Leno, Democrat and gay activist (wow, imagine those two terms in the same sentence) condemned the event in no uncertain terms saying "they're loud, they're obnoxious, they're disgusting, and they should get out of San Francisco." In fact, the city actually issued an official condemnation of the event.

Obviously, it bears repeating at this point that the democratic/homosexual agenda will fight tirelessly for freedom of expression, but this extends only as far as it does not involve allowing anyone to publicly disagree with their cause.   What's truly sad about this attitude is the stunning degree of hostility toward this event, especially in light of the city supervisors' statement that San Francisco is 'America's most tolerant, progressive city.'

Evidently that tolerance doesn't apply to anyone who is not gay, didn't vote Kerry, or is Christian.  The type of tolerance San Francisco practices has proved fruitful, especially to those who like a staggering HIV/AIDS rate, and more gay prostitutes on the streets than cops.  I suppose these young Christians would seem disgusting to someone of Mr. Leno's persuasion.  After all, they are out there encouraging such hateful behavior as compassion, sexual purity, and accountability.

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