Friday, July 14, 2006

A Fundamental Difference Of Opinion

The sad irony of the middle-east conflict is that the only viable path to resolution is war.  It's almost comical to watch the talking heads on every news outlet proclaim that diplomatic channels are still open and that negotiations might help ease the situation.  Time and time again, the actors in this sad play have proven that nothing short of brute force will force them to change their ways.  Talk is cheap in an area of the world where life is cheaper.

It simply amazes me how willing we are to talk, and negotiate, and draft resolutions in the face of an enemy whose fanaticism and ideological drive are unflappable.  An enemy whose core belief structure mandates terror, murder and general disregard for law or civilization.

Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Friday described Lebanon's Shiite guerrillas Hesbollah as "heroes of Islam" during a speech in the city of Tabriz, in Iran's Azerbaijan.

Referring to Israel's offensive in Lebanon, Ahmadinejad said that "this aggression is crazy and is the evident sign of the decline of a fallacious state which is not far from self-destruction." The president also referred to Israel as a state created by "a group of organized criminals."

When faced with a head-of-state whose mind can pervert terrorists into religious heroes and who praises these terrorists' actions and goes on to condemn Israel, you can see the issue.  How are negotiations or talks ever supposed to work with people like this? Iran is but one part of this hydra.

There won't be peace in the middle east until this ideology and those who pervert it are obliterated. It's that simple. No one seems quite ready, save for our enemies, to realize this.  The time for talk, as Israel has realized thanks to Hamas and Hezbollah, has passed.

The gates of world war are creaking open, and I'm afraid we're going to have to march through them in order to reach anything resembling peace.


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