Monday, July 3, 2006

More Than Meets The Eye

I've been posting a little less recently due to some good old-fashioned reading. I think a little 'unplugged' time is healthy once in a while. I recently read an excellent and extremely creepy novel called 'The Descent' by Jeff Long, which I'd seen the book years ago in the store and had initially passed up. I never forgot about it, and recently went to locate a copy only to find that it had gone out of print.

As luck would have it, a local used bookstore happened to have exactly one copy, so I picked it up and tore through it. It's quite good, and kept me awake several nights as I strained to finish it as quickly as possible.

The plot deals with a sub-terranean race of demonic beings who are ruthless, vicious killers. They enslave and mutilate humans unlucky enough to cross paths with them; the ones they don't eat that is.

Needless to say, I was completely ecstatic when out of the corner of my eye this evening I caught a TV ad for a movie which seemed a lot like the book. When the title 'The Descent' flashed up on screen, I nearly had a spastic joy attack.

I've done a little digging around thus far, and I've managed to turn up the fact that it's a foreign film, which isn't a big issue. The depressing thing is that it seems to be another one of those 'based on the concept of the book' type movies. IMDB lists character names that are nothing like those in the book, and the summaries I've seen don't bode well for anything resembling an interpretation of the actual novel.

I'm torn now as to whether I should go see it, but I'm leaning toward the affirmative. At the very least it'd be kind of neat to see someone else's visualization of the 'hadals.' In the meantime, I'd encourage anyone to read the book.

When I finally started poking around the web this evening, I found yet another movie trailer that caught my eye. Having grown up in the 80s, it'd be blasphemous not to be completely and totally shivering with glee at the first trailer to the Transformers movie. Now all I need to see is a M.A.S.K. movie and all would be balanced and right with the universe.

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