Well damn. I woke up this morning to the news that Steve Irwin is dead. It took me a few minutes to actually realize it was real. I've always found him to be one of the more entertaining people on TV as well as one of the most likable. Watching 'The Crocodile Hunter' on TV always left me with the sense that I'd learned something by hanging out with a friend; and it was always fun to sit with my kids and explain all the neat animals he was profiling.
It's so rare to find such a genuine, likable person with such a love for his work and such a way of making it enjoyable to the public. Steve Irwin had a way of tricking you into learning while you thought you were just being entertained.
His personality made him seem like someone I'd known for years, though I'd never had the pleasure of meeting him. My heart hurts for his family, especially given the random nature of his death. My heart also hurts for the loss of such a charismatic, enthusiastic person. The world, and millions of fans, will miss him.
Rest in peace, Steve.