Monday, January 2, 2006

Brillobeard and the Norelco Avenger

I got something totally unexpected for Christmas; a Norelco electric razor. To most people this wouldn’t be even remotely worthy of a post, but for me it’s a little bit different. Since the dawn of my shaving days, I’ve tried every razor out there and have reached the conclusion that my beard quite simply defies the laws of physics. I don’t have a five o’clock shadow, I have a five o’clock force shield. Forget disposables; I can shear the blade off of one in one shave, rendering it somewhere slightly less blunt than a balsawood butterknife. The closest to perfection I’ve ever found was the original Mach 3 razor and then the slightly eerie battery-powerd M3 Power razor, it’s Duracell fueled younger sibling.

I was under the impression that no puny electric razor could make a difference where scores of over-priced gimmicky low-tech versions couldn’t. Imagine my surprise when I tried out my new razor and it actually worked. I actually made it through an entire shave without a single nick. For me, that alone is worthy of a post. Well, this is going to be a totally new year for me, so why not start with the little things?