Saturday, January 14, 2006

Drab and Dreary

Nothing terribly exciting is going on today; no news stories have me particularly tethered to the internet. I'm more surfing out of sheer boredom than any pervasive need to either be productive or learn something.

I've already surfed to the usual sites and I'm starting to think I've seen at least a representative sample of everything on the internet at one time or another.

Kelly is out with her friend Jessica today, she's got Jack with her, and I'm on Aeryn duty. Talk about easy; she's been asleep since Kelly left. It's been very cold and windy today. One of the stinging cold drizzling days you expect to find in November, not January. To the weather's credit, it finally saw fit to switch over to snow about 45 minutes ago.

So here I sit with a Redskins/Seahawks game on TV, gazing out the bay window at the blowing snow. Bored.