Friday, January 6, 2006

Humanity Is Doomed

I hate to come off all apocalyptic in my posts, especially the titles, but sometimes the news just makes you shake your head and wonder why people who have the collective brainpower of a cockroach turd ever bother to open their mouths to the media. Well, that's actually why they do. They don't know any better than to spew their ignorant hatemongering drivel to anyone who will listen. They lack the check-valve most of us have in our brains that gives us that little warning 'that's not the smartest thing to say; don't say it.'

Pat Robertson recently made a(nother) stupid statement to the press (what were the odds?) He claims that Ariel Sharon's stroke was probably 'God smiting him for dividing Israel.' Now Pat, let's just slow down here for a moment. Does it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, you're a pompous asshole who doesn't understand the Bible or the Christian faith half as much as you think you do? Do you have a direct line to God? Is he a member of the 700 club or something? God does what He does for his own reasons, and it's extraordinarily arrogant to make a comment like that. I'll make sure to join the 700 club now; evidently I can just get the answers for why God does everything right from Pat. Why should I even go to Church anymore?

Then we come to good old Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He's the new super-friendly President of Iran. The same nice guy who used to be a terrorist (oh wait, he was just there, he wasn't involved); wants to build nuclear missiles, hates everything western, and would like to see Israel "wiped off the map" This ignorant tool was quoted as saying 'Hopefully, the news that the criminal of Sabra and Chatilla has joined his ancestors is final'.

What has the world come to, really when people like this are such prominent world figures? Is it any wonder at all that there's no world peace? With people like this running things, that's never going to happen. I know it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to have Mahmoud running around wishing for the destruction of entire nations.