Thursday, June 1, 2006

Reparations Nonsense in North Carolina

People need to get their heads out of their collective asses with respect to 'reparations.' This is absolutely ridiculous; and just another waste of time and money by politicians with entirely too much time on their hands and not enough common sense.

North Carolina should compensate victims of racial violence that led to the overthrow of a racially mixed city government a century ago and ushered in a new political era in the Jim Crow South, a fact-finding commission recommended Wednesday.

Ok, great. Find a real live victim of this incident and compensation is fine by me. But no, that would be too literal and too logical. Instead, let's look at it through some nice rose-colored liberal glasses:

The commission's report _ produced after six years of study _ urged lawmakers to consider economic reparations for the coastal town, including incentives for minority small businesses, opportunities for compensation for victims' heirs, and help for minority home ownership.

Excuse me? What local businesses around today were affected by this? By this logic, can I claim reparations for something done to my great grandfather? I sure would start digging out the family history if I could, especially if I could use his misfortune to get help buying a house.

My God, where will this 'reparations' crap end? The situation happened, it is regrettable, but leave it alone. There is no way anyone in this town needs incentives or mortgage assistance because their great grandparents or even great-great grandparents were mistreated one hundred eight years ago! This is just another example of freeloading by association. Those people asking for these reparations should be ashamed of themselves, and I think those 'qualifying' under these findings should be offended.

But, of course, getting by on the coattails of others is the American way these days, isn't it?

(Source: AP/Breitbart)

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