Monday, June 5, 2006

Toronto Mosque Vandalized - Imagine That

Reuters once again pulled a magic trick out of it's magic hat on this one. We're all familiar by now with the arrests of 17 suspected 'Al Qaeda sympathizers' who just happened to have attempted to acquire three tons of ammonium nitrate fertilizer, made famous by Timothy McVeigh in Oklahoma City.

The plan was apparently to bomb buildings in Toronto, until the plot was foiled by Canadian authorities. Reuters notes:
Vandals smashed 30 windows of a Toronto mosque and damaged nearby cars after the arrest of 17 suspected al Qaeda sympathizers accused of planning bomb attacks. Canadian Muslims expressed fear on Sunday that a backlash had begun.
Maybe Canadian Muslims should express outrage at the idiocy that runs rampant in the name of their religion which exhorts these people to dream up acts like this in the first place. But no, they just decided to come out as 'afraid of a backlash.' If they're so damn worried about a backlash, why not actually do something to stop people from interpreting their religion in a manner that glorifies this type of act.

I suppose it's simply easier to play the victim. Never mind the countless people who would have lost their lives, let's all feel sorry for the poor Muslims. Nobody understands them. Boo frigging hoo.

Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair told a meeting with Islamic community leaders, "it is certainly possible that that damage was motivated by hate. Hatred in any form, and certainly in its expressions of violence and damaged property, will not be tolerated in our community."

Um, does that include building bombs with THREE TONS of fertilizer and planning to set them off near civilian targets because of hatred, you oblivious moron? Oh, I guess we should feel sorry for the poor peaceful people whose Mosque was vandalized. Vandalism is hatred. Planning to kill civilians with three tons of fertilizer bombs isn't. I get it now.
Mohammad Alam, president of the Islamic Foundation of Toronto, said the vandalism may be the beginning of religiously motivated reprisals against the country's Muslim population, estimated at more than 600,000.
Again, I direct your attention to the plot to BOMB CIVILIANS in Toronto. This plot brought to you by the RELIGION of Islam. Moving on...
Tarek Fatah, spokesman for the Muslim Canadian Congress, said he felt "a mixture of shock and relief" following the arrests. "It's too close to home," he said.
I can definitely agree with Mr. Fatah on this comment. It is a little close to home pal, so start reigning in the people who encourage this.

Interestingly, after all of the sob stories and statements of how prejudicial and biased Canada is for assuming this is a terror plot, buried on the LAST PAGE of the story are the following two paragraphs. Doesn't this warrant a slightly higher placement in the story?
"Police said the group had acquired three tonnes of ammonium nitrate -- triple the amount used in the Oklahoma City bombing.

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service said the men had become "adherents of a violent ideology inspired by al Qaeda."

I'm getting dizzy from sitting here reading this much of a leftward-spinning article.

(Source: Reuters Background: & AP/MyWay)

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