Friday, June 16, 2006

The WTF Files: Iran Vows Nuclear Defense

Either this is a Freudian slip of the highest magnitude, a total bluff, or the Iranian government has just exposed a set of armor-plated balls.

"Iran's defense minister on Thursday vowed that his country would "use nuclear defense as a potential" if "threatened by any power."  Speaking following a meeting with his Syrian counterpart Hassan Ali Turkmani in Teheran on Thursday."

Since Iran claims it has no nuclear weapons, and doesn't plan to build any, you kind of have to wonder exactly how they're planning to accomplish that.  (That swooshing sound you just heard was the whole 'peaceful civilian nuclear energy' line being flushed down the proverbial toilet.)

Meanwhile, Turkmani told reporters that Syria and Iran's "policy is the policy of strengthening resistance and tackling the threats of United States and Israel."

He added that he wouldn't give details of joint defense plans against Israel, although the plans were "not secret."  Answering a question regarding a newly-developed Shahab 4 missile, Najjar said that research activities were underway. Iran would continue production of "different missiles and research,"

If nothing's done about this issue soon, the layer of bullshit covering Iran will suffice to protect it from any foreign attack.

(Source: Jerusalem Post)

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