As of today, every computer in my household is running Windows 7 RC. Two of the installations were upgrades, one was a full install, and really there was only one hiccup of note.
I installed it first on my wife’s year old Dell 1525 laptop, she got the full format and fresh install treatment. Absolutely painless.
Next, I upgraded my Inspiron 1545 laptop, which was also without event.
Lastly, I upgraded a year old Acer desktop, which turned into a mess. The actual install went smooth as glass, but I ran into an issue when trying to find an actual display driver from Acer. (Note that this computer was purchased without my advice.)
The Acer support website, when I finally found it was a worthless pile of crap. The driver I downloaded was over two years old, and would not allow me to set the proper resolution. Digging out (and I emphasize ‘digging’ out) the original driver disk resolved the problem, but that’s just the issue. The driver on the CD was newer than the most recent driver on the Acer site.
Note: Acer sucks donkey balls. Big surprise.
So far, there have been no issues on any of the three systems, save for what I think might be the first ‘bug’ I’ve ever identified. I installed the CoolIris plugin for Firefox and used it to browse a flickr stream. Shortly thereafter, I noticed some visual artifacting on the active window, and also some desktop artifacting similar to a poorly compressed image file. I uninstalled the CoolIris plugin and the artifacting disappeared completely.
So far, the system is notably snappier and just generally ‘feels’ more responsive. I’m definitely satisfied so far. I dare say enthusiastic.