Monday, November 7, 2005

Disregard the Melatonin and Pass the Dew

Here I sit staying up late surfing again for no real reason other than I don't want to go to sleep. I've got a lot on my mind, but I'm too tired to let any of it actually matter. A few things circulating in my head tonight:

Why in the hell do Mexicans always walk around in groups of three? I'm not being racist at ALL here; I live in a heavily hispanic town, and I see this all the time. It's always three of them, and almost without fail one is wearing a cowboy hat, cowboy boots and an obscenely large belt buckle. I just want an answer here, and I think I'm entitled to one. Am I the only one that notices this stuff?

Why do movies of the week always feature pseudoscience so ridiculous it makes me feel ashamed that I ever even conceived of tuning in in the first place? I clicked over to 'Category 7' tonight for all of ten minutes, eight of which were spent with my mouth agape in horror at the utter disregard for anything even approaching real science. Of course, I did understand that is was called Category 7, when the scale only goes up to 5. Guess I kind of deserved this one. I just don't watch TV much at all anymore, and I thought this would be a nice break. Wrong.

We had a good day today, nothing too exciting really. We actually got out and went to church today, which we've been trying to do for weeks. We went over to mom and dad's kind of early, and Kelly and Mom went out and took the kids shopping for a few hours. It was kind of nice to be able to totally pimp on the couch and catch up on some sweet History Channel goodness. I'm obsessed with this show they have now called "Shootout" where the go over an individual battle or gunfight in miniscule computer recreated gloriously insane detail.

Jack was again driven by some unknown force to smear yogurt all over everything within arm's range at dinner. You have to laugh when he pulls that stunt. Aeryn got sick this afternoon, but seemed to feel better immediately. Poor girl.

Well, I need to get to sleep. First thing in the AM I need to finish up getting my paperwork in order for the web-design business, and I need to finish tweaking my site. It'd be kind of stupid to be a designer without a site. I hope my bonus check from work gets here soon.