Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Sing, Monkey Boy

Sitting here listening to the hard rock station on iTunes, I just realized how very much I loathe bands with a political agenda. Everyone's favorite communist band, Rage Against the Machine just preached some more about how horrible America is, and then Green Day came on, rambling on about some BS anti-war hippie liberal crap. I might as well take off my Doc Martens and start wearing Birkenstocks. Is that patchouli I smell?

If I wanted to listen to political discourse set to music I'd take an iPod to a Poli-Sci class. When did bands stop rocking, and start with all the posturing? I don't mind a little social commentary, sure, but all of this America is evil bullshit needs to stop. Last time I checked, we weren't the ones flying airliners into buildings, and blowing ourselves up in subway tunnels, but I digress.

What I'm getting at is this: exactly when did selling lots of pop music CDs give someone credibility with regards to U.S. Foreign Policy and world affairs? To be even more concise, why do people even care what these drug-addled singers have to say about anything? It's really the modern day equivalent of a court jester giving advice to a king.

This is the world we live in; Madonna is giving spiritual advice; telling people the world is going to hell and priests are mostly gay. This coming from a woman with the morals of a two-dollar prostitute and more partners than a square dance.

Shut up about what you think you know and do what you're best at. Do the world a huge favor and just sing.