Friday, November 11, 2005

Do you do the Dew too?

Mountain Dew has done it. They've officially created the most addictive energy drink ever. For some reason this new 'MDX' soda has me completely hooked. It takes some wickedly powerful stuff to actually get me firing on all cylinders and this manages to do it. Only Red Bull (blech!) has been able to manage that herculean task up till now.

While sitting here sipping on it, I got the urge to look it up online, and came across the Death by Caffeine site. I love the calculator that tells you how much of the stuff you'd have to drink in order for it to literally kill you. Looks like my German genetics would let me down a full 195 bottles of the strangely anti-freeze looking brew before I kicked the bucket. Not only informative, but cool.

In completely unrelated news, somehow, Jack is actually taking a nap. I don't know what form of black magic is afoot here, but he's actually sleeping. For some reason he seems to have given that up recently. Oh well, the Terrible Twos are approaching, and I say bring em on.

I just realized Kelly and I aren't going to my parent's house for our customary Friday night pizza. It's my great-aunt's birthday, and we never RSVP'd since no one was available to watch Jack and Aeryn. Not a big deal though, we'll find something to get into. Hopefully Kelly can make a better meal for us tonight than the shameful excuse for chicken I tried to pass off as a meal last evening.