Saturday, May 6, 2006

Calling a spade a spade

In a moment of pure spin-free zen uncommon for anyone in government, President Bush finally had the guts to come out and call the 'war on terror' what it really is.
'... President George W. Bush said the September 11 revolt of passengers against their hijackers on board Flight 93 had struck the first blow of "World War III."'
If we, as a civilized world are going to have any chance of really winning this thing, we're all going to need to be honest with ourselves and follow suit.

We can't afford to play the name game any longer. This is a war unlike any other, with further reaching and more insidious implications for the future of civilization and a more elusive and driven opponent than ever before. It's going to require an amount of international cooperation never before attempted, and it's almost certainly going to be long, ugly and messy as wars are. But they are wars and they end, although rarely as expediently as we would like.

This is not one of those affairs where bleeding hearts can simply turn a blind eye and hope it will all just vanish from our reality like a bad dream.

Our enemy is ready and willing to hit us anywhere, anytime with no concern for civilians or collateral casualties. So little concern that they have no issues slaughtering civilians and posting the acts on the internet. Or walking into a cafe, wedding, bus, bus station, train, subway or hospital and detonating themselves with a few pounds of C-4, all the while hoping the ensuing carnage will get them an eternity with Allah and his never-ending virgin vending machine. Anyone who says these people should be allowed to continue to exist should re-evaluate the calibration of their moral compass.

This is an enemy more hell-bent on global domination than even the Nazis; even more fanatical and potentially far greater in number. Lucky for us, they're not as organized. Yet.

If any war ever truly was deserving of the term 'World War' this is it. The outcome will decide nothing less than the fate of freedom itself.

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