Miscellaneous and sporadic mental discharges fueled by the searing inferno of molten logic and imagination I call my brain.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Al Gore is a Fraud: Chapter 493
May you learn something, and in the process, shut up.
First Look at Superbowl GI Joe Trailer
Check it out!
Quick Movie Review: Defiance
I highly recommend it.
Republicans Can Elect Black People Too!
It pisses me off that we as a species in the year 2009 still CARE about race. How long have we been trying to have true racial 'equality' in this country and yet after the election of a black president, whose victory should have assured that race is a non-issue, it's the major issue. "Wow, a black president!" is the recurring theme, and I have to wonder why so much is being made of it. Do people generally think a black man is incapable of such a job? If not, exactly why is it such a big deal?
Yes. He's black. Can we now start fixing problems and dealing with stuff like, I don't know, war, the economy, things of that sort? What do you people want, a sticker? Good job, you elected a black guy. How about a high-five?
Maybe I'm the odd man out here, but I could give a shit what color he is. I'm more concerned about how he will conduct himself and what legislation he's planning on signing. If race is such a non issue, then shut the hell up about it, ok?
The sad thing about it all, is now Michael Steele is at the helm of the RNC, and the FIRST thing the news hits on?
The Republican Party chose the first black national chairman in its history Friday, just shy of three months after the nation elected a Democrat as the first African-American president. The choice marked no less than "the dawn of a new party," declared the new GOP chairman, former Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele
So is race now the predominant factor in choosing politicians? No you say? Somebody had better go tell the media, because they don't seem to get it.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Through the looking glass
I’ve always had a fascination for photography, and an undying love for history. Combined, the two are an obsession of mine. I have the distinct privilege of living in an area where there are Civil War battlefields in pretty much every direction, so I frequently get the chance to see places immortalized in famous photographs as they are today.
Not so much with the second world war, which is why I was floored to find these. Some enterprising photographer put this gallery together showing modern day Leningrad overlaid with pictures from WW2. They simply have to be seen to be believed.
Palin Planning for Presidency?
PoliGazette » Palin Launches PAC
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin launched her own PAC this week called SarahPAC. The launch means she plans to run for president in 2012, despite her bad poll numbers as Senator John McCain’s running mate.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
F*ck you, ACLU. Stop the Deification NOW.
Don’t even presume to tell me what to do, ACLU and fans of said organization. Let me show you where all this Obama-worshipping self-congratulatory ass-slapping is going to go.
Get off the cult-of-personality. It leads to bad things, and it’s really, really REALLY f*cking played. Seriously. Stop.
Apparently some of you out there in Democrat land don’t understand the whole concept, so I’m going to make this REALLY easy.
Uh oh, I just realized I’m doing that whole free speech thing again. I’d better watch out. Oooh. Scary.
Anyway, here’s my final thought to all you people who worship Barack as the second coming of Christ.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Democrats Rush to Judgment
Democrats are all abuzz over Rush Limbaugh supposedly commenting that ‘he hopes Obama fails.’ On social news sites normally gushing orgasmically with anti-republican, anti-religious and often hate-filled sentiments wishing failure or death on the enemy of the day, stories are popping up by the dozens about this whole incident. Because, of course, Democrats would never say anything hateful right?
So why exactly would Rush stoop to this level? Well, he didn’t. For what’s got to be the 634,546th time this month alone, the blogosphere has spontaneously combusted around a single, misguided meme which, if the source information was read thoroughly and or not taken out of context as often happens, would never have taken root.
In an incendiary (not really) interview with Sean Hannity that has helped spark this whole conflagration, Rush does mention he hopes Obama fails. If. There is an IF there, people, so let’s take a closer look.
So I shamelessly say, "No! I want him to fail." If his agenda is a far-left collectivism -- some people say socialism -- as a conservative heartfelt, deeply, why would I want socialism to succeed?
Oh my God. You mean…the internets were wrong? Left-wingers thrive on hatred; personal attacks are their bread and butter. Leaving out the justification for Rush’s comments, then attacking him for them is standard M.O. for these people. They’re incapable of taking an honest position and standing by it without either dishonesty or hatred factoring into it somehow. It just can’t happen. It’s like trying to sneeze with your eyes open. If a Dem took an honest stance their eyeballs would probably blow out of their sockets from the sheer amount of bullshit overpressure.
Which brings us back the self-congratulatory ass-slapping enclaves known as social news sites, which at this hour have seized on this meme like a Titanic victim held onto a plank of wood in the cold night. They’re not going to let go of it until the next unfounded hate-meme comes along, because to do so would imply that they’ve either learned what the hell they’re talking about and thus stopped talking about it or they’re no longer angsty and pissed off enough to be a real lefty.
Where am I going with all of this? Please, if you’re going to get pissed off about something, at least be educated about it. Read the entire article, listen to the entire interview, speech, or whatever it may be. Don’t just jump on the ‘OMG so and so said THIS’ bandwagon. It shows your ignorance, and in the case of those out there who can’t stand any criticism of Barack Obama, it demonstrates that you have no idea what happens when you succomb to a cult of personality.
As for calling Rush a ‘traitor’ for his views, I guess that’s par for the course since a good number of Democrats aren’t really fans of that whole free-speech concept.
President Obama warned Republicans on Capitol Hill today that they need to quit listening to radio king Rush Limbaugh if they want to get along with Democrats and the new administration.
"You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done," he told top GOP leaders, whom he had invited to the White House to discuss his nearly $1 trillion stimulus package…
That wasn't Obama's only jab at Republicans today.
While discussing the stimulus package with top lawmakers in the White House's Roosevelt Room, President Obama shot down a critic with a simple message.
"I won," he said, according to aides who were briefed on the meeting. "I will trump you on that."
You have to love the grade-school mentality. It’s going to be an interesting four years, isn’t it?
Obama, You’ve Been Called Out.
This is the most precise, biting, and I dare say scathing shot at Barack Obama I’ve read yet. It’s precisely what I've been trying but unable to find the words to say. I could not possibly agree more with every word.
A sample:
This will end in tears. The Obama hysteria is not merely embarrassing to witness, it is itself contributory to the scale of the disaster that is coming. What we are experiencing, in the deepening days of a global depression, is the desperate suspension of disbelief by people of intelligence - la trahison des clercs - in a pathetic effort to hypnotise themselves into the delusion that it will be all right on the night. It will not be all right.
Read the rest HERE
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Popurls talking trash about the VP’s wife?
I just noticed this on popurls.com a few minutes ago, and you have to wonder if someone has it in for the new second family already.
That’s a little harsh, don’t ya think? Poor woman.
All Hail The Messiah
I present, his Excellency, President of these United States, Messiah for the 21st Century:
Adding a Print Button to Google Chrome
Here’s a nifty little trick for those of you who, like myself, sometimes would rather use a button than go all shortcut-key on a task. Have you found your copy of Chrome lacking in the print icon department? All you have to do is add a page to your bookmarks bar, then name it print, print page, or even Dave if the mood strikes you. I kind of like Nancy, but I digress…
In the URL box, just type:
Voila! you no longer have to hit ctrl+p. You can go oldschool and hit your new print button.
It’s like magic. Ok, not really, but it works.
Obama-El To Reach Out to Distant World
In a move born of love and respect for the population of the distant world Republicus, and in light of the end of the Bush era here on Earth, Lord High Defender Obama-El has chosen to send his until-now unknown son Barack-El to them in a small spacecraft.
Given their proximity to a black hole, it is believed he will have the ability to tax anything, leap and dodge questions in a single bound and run faster than a speeding allegation, all while flying into political office seemingly out of nowhere.
Fighting for situational truth, justice for the rich, and the liberal way, he will be a beacon to the rest of the universe.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
History 2.0
Everyone sit down, shut up and take notes. This is important.
Barack Obama and the Democrats waged a modern whirlwind campaign in 2008 unlike anything ever seen in America. Obama traveled the country delivering dozens of major speeches, attending meetings, shaking hands, signing autographs, posing for pictures, and even kissing babies.
The Obama campaign brilliantly organized thousands of meetings, parades, plastered posters everywhere and printed millions of copies of special editions of campaign literature.
America was in the grip of a depression with a population suffering from poverty, misery, and uncertainty, amid increasing political instability.
For Obama, the master speech maker, the long awaited opportunity to let loose his talents on the American people had arrived. He would find in this downtrodden people, an audience very willing to listen. In his speeches, Obama offered the American public what they needed most, encouragement. He gave them heaps of vague promises while avoiding the details. He used simple catchphrases, repeated over and over.
His campaign appearances were carefully staged events. Audiences were always kept waiting, the tension increased, only to be broken by solemn processions of supporters with
stylized Obama posters, and finally the appearance of Obama amid shouts of "Yes We Can!" The effect in a closed in hall with theatrical style lighting and decorations was overwhelming and very catching.
Obama began each speech in low, hesitating tones, gradually raising the pitch and volume of his voice then exploding in a climax. He combined this with carefully rehearsed hand gestures for maximum effect. He skillfully played on the emotions of the audience bringing the level of excitement higher and higher until the people wound up a wide-eyed, screaming, frenzied mass that surrendered to his will and looked upon him with pseudo-religious adoration.
Obama offered something to everyone; work to the unemployed, prosperity to failed business people, profits to industry, expansion to the Army, social harmony and an end of class distinctions to idealistic young students, and restoration of America glory to those in despair.
He promised to bring order amid chaos, a feeling of unity to all and the chance to belong. He would make America strong again.He appealed to all classes of Americans.
All Democrats, from Obama, down to the leader of the smallest campaign headquarters, worked tirelessly, relentlessly, to pound their message into the minds of the Americans.
On election day November 3, 2008 the Democrats received 62,704,84 votes, over fifty-two percent of the total, and thus won the presidency. It was a stunning victory for Obama.
Everyone paid attention, right? Ok, good. Now read the ORIGINAL here.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
To Be Continued?
Obama Inhales. Film at 11.
I’m going to do my best to make this an obscenity-free post, so I’m going to keep it short.
I want you to ask yourself this one question. Does the following tidbit of information impact your life enough to make it worth knowing?
I’m starting to get the feeling the media might actually track this stuff down to what time he takes a crap in the morning.
If this keeps up, in a year’s time it will be: “Obama dropped his first load of the day at 8:58 am, surrounded by Secret Service escort. It was rather large and broke in two like the Titanic before plunging into the murky depths of the First Toilet. Sources close to the President said he felt relieved.”
The Greatest Post About The Internet EVER.
I’m not going to quote it, paraphrase it, or otherwise detract from its majesty. You’ve got to experience the genius that is this post.
As the inauguration nears, I’m finding myself increasingly sickened by the almost teenage fixation people have with Barack Obama. Yes, he’s going to be the President. Yes, he’s black. Yes, he’s ‘cool’, but is THIS really newsworthy?
Who, other than his favorite retail establishments really needs to know this?
As if his pronouncement of preferred deodorant is going to set off a run on AXE. Of course I say this in jest, but it’d probably happen. This is going to be an interesting four years.
I love the smell of fresh paint in the morning…
Trust. Understanding. Children. Magic Markers. These words don’t even remotely belong in the same sentence.
My kids are normally well-adjusted, well-behaved and generally quite cute. Well, except when they’re having an epic throwdown, but that’s beside the point. Tonight we put them to bed, gave them juice, all the standard issue parent duties at bedtime.
Like usual they fought going to sleep, coming back downstairs to ask for this or that, and then playing in their rooms.
Finally, the whining and crying began to crescendo so Kelly decided to put an end to it. Trudging upstairs, I hear her exclaim ‘Oh my GOD. Chris, come here…and bring the camera.’
That just didn’t sound good. I wondered if one of the cats had done something, or if maybe the kids had spilled something or gotten into Kelly’s makeup again.
If only.
They found an art set one of them got for Christmas…which I was convinced was hidden safely in a downstairs closet. I’m not sure who instigated it, but they decided to turn my son’s bedroom walls into an impressionistic mural of some sort.
At least now I’ve got something to keep me busy tomorrow while it’s 10 degrees outside.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Well Played
Militant atheists everywhere are sure to react with anger, vitriolic rage, hatred, loathing, bringing their supremely honed intellects and powered by the singularity that is their superiority complex at this one.
A Christian bus driver refused this week to drive a bus that displayed an atheist advertisement saying "There's probably no God" on the side, reports said on Friday.
"I felt that I could not drive that bus, I told my managers and they said they haven't got another one and I thought I better go home, so I did," he said.
Some of the more militant atheists are sure to have a field day with this, disparaging his beliefs, denouncing them, mocking him, all the while ranting hysterically about how there is no God, and all Christians do is try to foist their beliefs on others forcibly.
Ironic, given that is what they are doing to him and his beliefs, while all he did is simply went home rather than compromise his beliefs. Nowhere did he lash out at anyone. He simply went home.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I woke up to find an unspeakable evil had settled over my quaint little town. Snow.
That about sums it up.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Mexican Sells Daughter for Snacks, Call in CHiPs.
From the ‘you can NOT be serious’ department:
The case involves a father, Marcelino DeJesus Martinez, 36, a young male neighbor, Margarito DeJesus Galindo, 18, and Martinez's 14-year-old daughter who Galindo sought to marry.![]()
Police said the young man and girl spent a week together in Soledad, the girl having gone along willingly, after a marriage deal was brokered that called for Martinez to receive $16,000, 150 cases of beer, 150 cases of soda and Gatorade, and several cases of wine and meat.
It’s like some seriously warped Schwan’s nightmare.
“…the cultural nuances in the story were being overlooked by the crude outline of a "selling-a-14-year-old for beer...
The real picture is the cultural clash," he said. In an arranged Oaxacan wedding, the $16,000 would be considered the bride's dowry, and the food and drink would be supplies for the wedding party.”
For those of you unable to see the cultural clash at play, Martinez was, well, selling his 14-year-old for beer. And Gatorade too; it’s got electrolytes.
If that’s a dowry, that’s my kind of party.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
This is why I don't read comic books.
Aside from having crossed the psychological DMZ into my thirties, there are a few other reasons why I don't read comic books. The fact that they're boring is one reason. The fact they are utterly preposterous and just don't intrigue me is another.
Then there's the whole 'adult' audience genre of comics which, while the concept fascinates me on one level, scares me equally on another.
This may be the greatest comic book review...and comic book dialogue of all time. Read it all. It's worth it.
I dedicate this link to all the random weird shit I've ever said, since it all pales in comparison to this masterpiece.
Windows Live Writer, We're Through.
Windows Live Writer, or Willow as I've named you...we're done. You've broken my heart and pissed me off. Ok, really you just pissed me off. I started downloading your newest version this afternoon at around 2. When I got home at 9 you were still having problems communicating with Microsoft Update.
This angers me. As much as I actually do enjoy MS software these days, this kind of thing is what gives you a bad name. You're like the easy neighborhood girl that everyone talks smack about. Everybody likes you and nobody wants to admit it; only this time you've taken the hard-to-get thing to a new level.
I've found someone else. Her name is Raven. (Sounds much cooler than Willow.) She, like you is also easy, but unlike you and your lazy ass, she works.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Call of Duty 4 is on sale for 19 bucks at Circuit City. They don't have any (of course) and that angers me. This however is merely a sidenote, completely unrelated to the other, much cooler thing I found today.
Dinosaurs and the Civil War. They go together like...well, Dinosaurs and the civil war.
In the 56,832 times I've been to Gettysburg, I've never noticed nor heard of this. Very cool.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Who Doesn't Love a Free Game?
In between marathon Xbox sessions I've been addicted Assault Cube. Based on the Open-Source shooter Cube 2, its gameplay is similar to old-school counter-strike and is good for some quick and dirty fragging.
It's got several gameplay modes, a small assortment of decently designed maps, and best of all, it runs on my Inspiron 1525 laptop in high detail.
Did I also mention you can play online with a lowly 56K connection if you're still stuck in the 90s? I've been playing flawlessly over my wireless connection and loving it.
Check it out!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
My Turn
Yesterday I posted about everyone and their great-grandmother predicting how terrorists are going to hit us lovers of freedom next.
Well, today I decided it's my turn. This came after finding a classified Al Qaida planning diagram on an un-named, anonymous, shady internet server populated by the lowest rungs of internet society and probably at least one person who once met a Muslim.
Still think 9/11 was an inside job? Here's proof they were considering a similar attack as far back as 1976!
I thought Palestinians were the Victims?
"Hamas was using the U.N. school as a base for mortar fire, using Palestinian civilians hiding there as human shields. Even worse, Hamas had rigged the building with explosives to increase casualties even further."
Credit: PoliGazette
Ok, Wait Just a Sec
I'm not the biggest fan of Barack 'Jesus is Back!' Obama for sure, but this is just so ridiculous as to be utterly stupid.
Al Qaeda's number 2 (what a shitty title) Ayman Al-Zawahiri is running off at the mouth again and flaunting not only the same old tired blame the US bullshit, but also an apparent ignorance of US politics.
Bush hasn't even left office yet and already he's up Obama's rear end.
Al-Qaida's No. 2 leader lashed out at President-elect Barack Obama in a new audio message Tuesday, accusing him of not doing anything to stop Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip, according to an intelligence monitoring center.
What in the hell is he supposed to do exactly? The Palestinians can't stop it...or rather won't, since they have an obsessive compulsive drive to blow up Israeli civilians with rockets (hey, it's more fun than Wii, right?)
The Israelis can't stop it now, because to do so would be a sign of weakness; something they certainly can't afford.
Bush can't stop it because well, ok, I'm not going to go there at the moment, but suffice it to say he can't.
So I guess it falls back on Barack Obama who's actually (sorry Ayman) not technically president yet.
Now I realize Obama's going to give us free gasoline, free college, and cater our turkey dinners every night for the next four years, all the while shooting laser beams out of His eyes and fighting injustice in a blue spandex suit, but give it a rest. There are limits to what Obama Himself can even do. 'Specially since, contrary to what every Democrat I know thinks, he really isn't actually President yet. Just saying.
al-Zawahiri described Israel's actions in Gaza as a "crusade against Islam and Muslims" and called it "Obama's gift to Israel...He kills your brothers and sisters in Gaza mercilessly and without affection."
Well, technically it kind of IS a crusade against Islam and Muslims. Just the ones who keep pissing in Israel's beer. And as for being Obama's gift to Israel, there he's just a dumb ass. It's kind of Hamas' new year's gift to themselves for years of kidnapping Israelis and blowing shit up in spite of agreements not to. I mean it's not like they randomly fire rockets into populated Israeli civilian centers or encourage suicide bombings from time to time or anything. That would be bad, and Hamas is the victim here, let's not forget.
As you can see, it breaks down like this.
Hamas = Launches rockets at kindergartens, kidnaps soldiers, uses suicide bombers. Kills indiscriminately. This makes them the victims.
Israel = Defends their territory and soveriegnty against Hamas, gets tired of being attacked and strikes back. Traditionally gives advance notice of retaliatory strikes in defiance of conventional wisdom and although not always successful, uses tactics designed to minimize collateral damage. This makes them evil Zionist crusader Nazis.
Obama = Jesus Christ incarnate, hybridized with Superman genes and fitted with ocular death beams. Evil Zionist Nazi Omnipotent Being who controls Israel with his psychic powers.
Make sense? Because that my friends is exactly how Zawahiri and the Palestinian cause want you to think.
This is not about Israeli Naziism. This whole affair, to paraphrase Reverend Wright, is a case of Hamas' chickens coming home to roost.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
FAIL in Vail
I hate the FAIL meme as much as anyone, but this guy has not only lived up to it, he's redefined the entire word.
Just Stop Already.
It's official. You literally can't make it three and a half minutes without some academic/pointed-hat/news commentator/government 'official' speculating on what the latest and greatest attack vector to be employed by terrorists will be.
Forget nukes and dirty bombs. Forget suicide bombers. Break out the RAID, because apparently, terrorists COULD use insects as weapons.
They could also use midgets, nails, sausages, pop-tarts, teddy bears, exploding twinkies or even the dreaded water-balloon of mass destruction.
Please, stop speculating and wondering when and if and what...just live your life, enjoy it to the fullest and if the day comes when you're taken down by a pissed off fundamentalist muslimsquito, well then ya know what? At least you had a good run and didn't spend your life cowering in fear about something stupid.
Wanna Get High?
Ok, so the title of this post is probably disturbing at best and misleading at worst. The strongest drug I've ever done in my life was vicodin and that was with an actual honest-to-god prescription. I would however like to try grass. Not marijuana, you see, Grass. The CARD GAME called Grass.
My wife and I took the kids out to the mall this morning for a little fun. Just beyond the food court was one of those quickly set-up little kiosks selling board games, card games and puzzles. Having just browsed that kiosk about a week ago, I wasn't really all that intent on it as we walked by, but I do always look out for anything that jumps off the rack and grabs my attention. As luck would have it, it did.
Grass. The greatest idea for a game ever.
I have this thing for card games; not the usual standard deck variety, but the fun stuff with special decks and wierd rules and stuff that keeps it interesting, but I digress.
A game about dealing weed. How nuts is that? Gotta love it. Of course, I didn't buy it, but I got home and started reading what other people said about it and now I'm kicking myself in the ass for not picking it up while I had the chance.
I casually mentioned it to my wife and after laughing she said she'd actually like to try it. The game I mean. I think. Guess I should go grab a copy and see what happens.