Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Windows Live Writer, We're Through.

Windows Live Writer, or Willow as I've named you...we're done. You've broken my heart and pissed me off. Ok, really you just pissed me off. I started downloading your newest version this afternoon at around 2. When I got home at 9 you were still having problems communicating with Microsoft Update.

This angers me. As much as I actually do enjoy MS software these days, this kind of thing is what gives you a bad name. You're like the easy neighborhood girl that everyone talks smack about. Everybody likes you and nobody wants to admit it; only this time you've taken the hard-to-get thing to a new level.

I've found someone else. Her name is Raven. (Sounds much cooler than Willow.) She, like you is also easy, but unlike you and your lazy ass, she works.