Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Just Stop Already.

It's official.  You literally can't make it three and a half minutes without some academic/pointed-hat/news commentator/government 'official' speculating on what the latest and greatest attack vector to be employed by terrorists will be. 

Forget nukes and dirty bombs.  Forget suicide bombers.  Break out the RAID, because apparently, terrorists COULD use insects as weapons.

They could also use midgets, nails, sausages, pop-tarts, teddy bears, exploding twinkies or even the dreaded water-balloon of mass destruction.

Please, stop speculating and wondering when and if and what...just live your life, enjoy it to the fullest and if the day comes when you're taken down by a pissed off fundamentalist muslimsquito, well then ya know what? At least you had a good run and didn't spend your life cowering in fear about something stupid.