Friday, January 23, 2009

Democrats Rush to Judgment

Democrats are all abuzz over Rush Limbaugh supposedly commenting that ‘he hopes Obama fails.’  On social news sites normally gushing orgasmically with anti-republican, anti-religious and often hate-filled sentiments wishing failure or death on the enemy of the day, stories are popping up by the dozens about this whole incident. Because, of course, Democrats would never say anything hateful right?


So why exactly would Rush stoop to this level? Well, he didn’t.  For what’s got to be the 634,546th time this month alone, the blogosphere has spontaneously combusted around a single, misguided meme which, if the source information was read thoroughly and or not taken out of context as often happens, would never have taken root.

In an incendiary (not really) interview with Sean Hannity that has helped spark this whole conflagration, Rush does mention he hopes Obama fails. If. There is an IF there, people, so let’s take a closer look.

So I shamelessly say, "No! I want him to fail." If his agenda is a far-left collectivism -- some people say socialism -- as a conservative heartfelt, deeply, why would I want socialism to succeed?

Oh my God. You mean…the internets were wrong? Left-wingers thrive on hatred; personal attacks are their bread and butter.  Leaving out the justification for Rush’s comments, then attacking him for them is standard M.O. for these people. They’re incapable of taking an honest position and standing by it without either dishonesty or hatred factoring into it somehow.  It just can’t happen.  It’s like trying to sneeze with your eyes open.  If a Dem took an honest stance their eyeballs would probably blow out of their sockets from the sheer amount of bullshit overpressure.

Which brings us back the self-congratulatory ass-slapping enclaves known as social news sites, which at this hour have seized on this meme like a Titanic victim held onto a plank of wood in the cold night.  They’re not going to let go of it until the next unfounded hate-meme comes along, because to do so would imply that they’ve either learned what the hell they’re talking about and thus stopped talking about it or they’re no longer  angsty and pissed off enough to be a real lefty.

Where am I going with all of this? Please, if you’re going to get pissed off about something, at least be educated about it.  Read the entire article, listen to the entire interview, speech, or whatever it may be.   Don’t just jump on the ‘OMG so and so said THIS’ bandwagon. It shows your ignorance, and in the case of those out there who can’t stand any criticism of Barack Obama, it demonstrates that you have no idea what happens when you succomb to a cult of personality.

As for calling Rush a ‘traitor’ for his views, I guess that’s par for the course since a good number of Democrats aren’t really fans of that whole free-speech concept.


President Obama warned Republicans on Capitol Hill today that they need to quit listening to radio king Rush Limbaugh if they want to get along with Democrats and the new administration.

"You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done," he told top GOP leaders, whom he had invited to the White House to discuss his nearly $1 trillion stimulus package…

That wasn't Obama's only jab at Republicans today.

While discussing the stimulus package with top lawmakers in the White House's Roosevelt Room, President Obama shot down a critic with a simple message.

"I won," he said, according to aides who were briefed on the meeting. "I will trump you on that."


You have to love the grade-school mentality.  It’s going to be an interesting four years, isn’t it?