Tuesday, January 27, 2009

F*ck you, ACLU. Stop the Deification NOW.

Don’t even presume to tell me what to do, ACLU and fans of said organization. Let me show you where all this Obama-worshipping self-congratulatory ass-slapping is going to go.



Get off the cult-of-personality.  It leads to bad things, and it’s really, really REALLY f*cking played.  Seriously. Stop.

Apparently some of you out there in Democrat land don’t understand the whole concept, so I’m going to make this REALLY easy. 


Uh oh, I just realized I’m doing that whole free speech thing again.  I’d better watch out. Oooh.  Scary.

Anyway, here’s my final thought to all you people who worship Barack as the second coming of Christ.
