Sunday, January 18, 2009

History 2.0

Everyone sit down, shut up and take notes.  This is important. 


Barack Obama and the Democrats waged a modern whirlwind campaign in 2008 unlike anything ever seen in America. Obama traveled the country delivering dozens of major speeches, attending meetings, shaking hands, signing autographs, posing for pictures, and even kissing babies.

The Obama campaign brilliantly organized thousands of meetings, parades, plastered posters everywhere and printed millions of copies of special editions of campaign literature.

America was in the grip of a depression with a population suffering from poverty, misery, and uncertainty, amid increasing political instability.

For Obama, the master speech maker, the long awaited opportunity to let loose his talents on the American people had arrived. He would find in this downtrodden people, an audience very willing to listen. In his speeches, Obama offered the American public what they needed most, encouragement. He gave them heaps of vague promises while avoiding the details. He used simple catchphrases, repeated over and over.

His campaign appearances were carefully staged events. Audiences were always kept waiting, the tension increased, only to be broken by solemn processions of supporters with obama-change-sm stylized Obama posters, and finally the appearance of Obama amid shouts of "Yes We Can!" The effect in a closed in hall with theatrical style lighting and decorations was overwhelming and very catching.

Obama began each speech in low, hesitating tones, gradually raising the pitch and volume of his voice then exploding in a climax. He combined this with carefully rehearsed hand gestures for maximum effect. He skillfully played on the emotions of the audience bringing the level of excitement higher and higher until the people wound up a wide-eyed, screaming, frenzied mass that surrendered to his will and looked upon him with pseudo-religious adoration.

photo01 Obama offered something to everyone; work to the unemployed, prosperity to failed business people, profits to industry, expansion to the Army, social harmony and an end of class distinctions to idealistic young students, and restoration of America glory to those in despair.

He promised to bring order amid chaos, a feeling of unity to all and the chance to belong. He would make America strong again.

He appealed to all classes of Americans.

All Democrats, from Obama, down to the leader of the smallest campaign headquarters, worked tirelessly, relentlessly, to pound their message into the minds of the Americans.

On election day November 3, 2008 the Democrats received 62,704,84 votes, over fifty-two percent of the total, and thus won the presidency. It was a stunning victory for Obama.

Everyone paid attention, right? Ok, good.  Now read the ORIGINAL here.