Sunday, April 30, 2006

Iran Threatens 'Judgment Day'

The peaceful Islamic Republic of Iran, in accordance with their peaceful pursuit of nuclear energy has announced that should the US intervene militarily to stop their nuclear program, they will launch massive terror attacks and instigate World War III.
From Asharq Al-Awsat

London, Asharq Al-Awsat- Eight fundamentalist Islamist organizations have received large sums of money in the last month from the Iranian intelligence services, as part of a project to strike U.S military and economic installations across the Middle East Asharq Al-Awsat has learned.

The plan, which also includes the carrying out of suicide operations targeting US and British interests in the region, as well as their Arab and Muslim allies, in case Iran is attacked, was drawn up by a number of experts guerilla warfare and terrorist operations, and was revealed by a senior source in the Iranian armed forces' joint chief of staff headed by the veterinary doctor Hassan Firouzabadi, (I guess that's who they call on when going after 'pigs' and 'dogs.')

The source added that the forces of the Revolutionary Guards’ al Quds Brigades, under Brigadier General Qassim Suleimani is responsible for coordinating and providing logistical support for the groups taking part in the execution of the plan, codenamed al Qiyamah the Islamic word for "Judgment Day".

The plan includes three steps, which Asharq al Awsat has examined in earlier reports. The source gave more details about how the plan will be implemented. He said, “Most of Iran’s visitors in the last four months, including the leaders of revolutionary groups in Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon, as well as the heads of Hezbollah cells in the Persian Gulf and Europe and North America were asked, when they met with the Iranian intelligence minister Gholamhossein Mohseni Ezhei and his aides: are you ready to defend the Islamic revolution and vilayat e faqih? If you agree to take part in the great jihad, what would you need to be ready for the great fight?

Amongst the leaders who visited were the head of one of the Iraqi armed group who was very clear and honest. He said his men would transform Iraq into a hell for the Americans if Iran were attacked.

The source also said that the military training camps of the Guards were opened for the fighters of the Mehdi army in Iran to receive the necessary training. Iran had also increased its financial assistance to Moqtada al Sadr to more than 20 million dollars.

The same applied to Islamic Jihad in Palestine which has received large sums of money, large quantities of arms and military training for its cadres in Isfahan, including street fighting methods.

As for the Lebanese Hezbollah, several loads of arms have been sent to; they include rockets, explosives, and guided missiles. Hezbollah's arsenal includes more than 10 thousand rockets short-range rockets and missiles including Fajr, Nour, Arash, Hadid.

An estimated 80 members underwent private training last year on how to carry out suicide operations from the air (through the use of kite planes) and undersea operations using submarines.

While denying that Hamas had joined the list of organizations ready to help Iran in its likely war with the U.S, the source indicated that the external success of the movement, which enjoys considerable Iranian support both financial and military, was strengthened following the latest visit by its leaders to Tehran. This was translated in the Palestinian masses’ support for Iran, against Israel and the United States .

According to Iran, the latest military plan includes:

1- A missile strike directly targeting the US bases in the Persian Gulf and Iraq , as soon as nuclear installations are hit.

2- Suicide operations in a number of Arab and Muslim countries against US embassies and missions and US military bases and economic and oil installations related to US and British companies. The campaign might also target the economic and military installations of countries allied with the United States .

3- Launch attacks by the Basij and the Revolutionary Guards and Iraqi fighters loyal to Iran against US and British forces in Iraq , from border regions in central and southern Iraq .

4- Hezbollah to launch hundreds of rockets against military and economic targets in Israel .

According to the source, in case the US military attacks continue, more than 50 Shehab-3 missiles will be targeted against Israel and the al Quads Brigades will give the go-ahead for more than 50 terrorists cells in Canada, the US and Europe to attack civil and industrial targets in these countries.

What about the last stage in the plan?

Here, the Iranian source hesitated before saying with worry; this stage might represent the beginning of a world war, given that extremists will seek to maximize civilian casualties by exploding germ and chemical bombs as well as dirty nuclear bombs across western and Arab cities.
And sharks with frickin' laser beams. Let me offer my ironic solution to the Iranian nuclear threat.

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Saturday, April 29, 2006

Why Dubya?

If at first you don't succeed:

WASHINGTON (April 28) - President Bush on Friday approved a deal for a Dubai-owned company to take control of some U.S. plants that manufacture parts for American military contractors.

Initial reactions from Congress indicated that there would not be the opposition to the deal that prevented another Dubai-based company from taking over operations of several U.S. ports.

"This was a transaction that was thoroughly reviewed and closely scrutinized," White House press secretary Scott McClellan said in confirming the deal. "In the view of the committee, it does not compromise our national security."

As a condition of the president's approval, the company signed an agreement that promised an uninterrupted supply, McClellan said. The White House was in the process of informing key members of Congress of the president's decision.

House leadership aides, speaking on condition of anonymity, said lawmakers from both parties on the relevant committees had been briefed on the deal, and had agreed that necessary safeguards were in effect. They said there had been numerous contacts with the administration.

Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., a leading opponent of the port deal, also said he did not plan to oppose the transaction.
"There are two differences between this deal and the Dubai Ports deal," he said in a statement. "First, this went through the process in a careful, thoughtful way; and second this is a product not a service and the opportunity to infiltrate and sabotage is both more difficult and more detectable."
(So he's saying the ports deal did not go 'through the process in a careful, thoughtful way? And isn't the fact that infiltration and sabotage are even mentioned a bit of a red flag?)

The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, which must review foreign transactions of this kind, began its review of the transaction on Jan. 28 and made its recommendation to Bush on April 13. He had 15 days to make a decision, a timeframe that expired Friday.

The decision follows a political uproar earlier this year after Bush backed a deal allowing another Dubai-owned company to operate several major U.S. port terminals. The company, DP World, decided to sell the U.S. operations that it acquired in its purchase of a British firm to an American firm after Republicans and Democrats in Congress balked, saying the transaction could compromise America's security interests.
If I were going to pass something like this, I'd be glad gas prices, the Duke Lacrosse team and the Da Vinci Code held the headlines too.

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Friday, April 28, 2006

Gasoline Alternative Developed at Texas A&M

Mark Holtzapple, a chemical engineering professor at Texas A&M announced Tuesday that he's developed a new biofuel alternative to gasoline and ethanol, along with a special engine designed to run on it. Dubbed 'MixAlco", he claims his fuel process can
"...use anything that biodegrades...if you put it outside and it rots, we can use it. So we can use trees, grass, manure, sewage sludge or garbage."
According to the Bryan-College Station Eagle:
[t]he almost insatiable need for fuel could be supplied by biofuel made from garbage, sewer sludge and plants, such as sweet sorghum, energy cane and even water hyacinth, a plant that grows so rapidly and widespread that Florida pays to have it removed from waterways, he said. The MixAlco process takes a biomass - energy cane, for example - and ferments it, which creates carboxylate salts. Water is removed from the salts, which then go through a thermal conversion to create another substance known as mixed ketones. The process adds hydrogen to the ketones to make mixed alcohol fuels.

A bonus? The process also doesn't add any net carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, he said.

Holtzapple's concept StarRotor engine, which is designed to more efficiently power vehicles, could run on any type of fuel - not only biofuel. The engine uses a star design to compress and expand air. New test results show that the compressor ran at 83 percent efficiency when its RPMs were running at about 3,600. A typical compressor currently on the market runs between 70 and 80 percent efficiency, he said.
Unfortunately, in order to proceed further, Holtzapple feels that government subsidies are needed as
"biodiesel and ethanol get tax credits, but mixed alcohols, or biofuel, doesn't."

For more technical information, visit Green Car Congress.

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You have ten seconds to comply...

From the Seattle Post-Intelligencer:

The shooting happened just after 8:15 p.m. near the corner of Broadway East and East John Street on Capitol Hill.

At a news conference at police headquarters Wednesday, Kimerer said investigators learned that the gunman had had an argument with a female friend shortly before the shooting.

Afterward, Kimerer said, the young man walked down Broadway and got into a fight with another man. At some point, a gun he was carrying fell to the ground.

Kimerer said the gunman simply reholstered the weapon behind his back.

A merchant called 911, as did others.

Two East Precinct patrol officers arrived in less than two minutes, he said.

The two officers approached the young man near a bus stop. Though the man was suspected of being armed, the officers did not see a weapon, so at first they planned to restrain him.

When the man turned to face them, the officers ordered him to get on the ground and show his hands.

The warning, Kimerer said, was heard by several witnesses.

Instead of complying, "the suspect reached behind his back with both hands," he said.

Out came a revolver, police officers said.

The officers ordered the man to drop the gun. Instead, police said, he squared up against them. "The officers returned fire in response to that deadly threat," Kimerer said.

Both officers, armed with Glock .40 caliber semi-automatic handguns, fired. One fired four shots; the second, three shots.

One of those bullets ended up in the gunman's gun -- jammed into the cylinder of his revolver. The department released photos Wednesday showing the cracked brass of a bullet shoved out of the rear of one chamber.
Hey, man. Nice shot.

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A few 'race' cards shy of a full deck

I'm sick to death of people screaming racism at every opportunity. It's a crutch; a 'boo-hoo pity party invitation' designed to get sympathy when the facts alone don't warrant it. What's more, the ones who cry racism the loudest are usually the most vitriolic racists.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the most racist group in America today is the pro-open borders lobby, more specifically the protesters roaming the streets waving Mexican flags and demanding that we let anyone and everyone come into the country and give illegals full legal rights and the same economic benefits as a legal citizen. There was actually a jackass on the O'Reilly Factor last night claiming the term 'illegal alien' is racist because it 'dehumanizes people.' I'm not an O'Reilly fan by any stretch, but this guest was a total moron of the highest caliber.

I'm going to try and be as blunt as possible. The whole issue revolves around everyone understanding this one point. We have immigration laws in this country. If you violate them, you are here illegally. It's really that simple. There is no racist intent here, I don't care if you come from Mexico or Sweden, if you don't come here legally, you're not supposed to be here, and should be made to leave until you want to come back and do things the right way.

For some reason, the mainstream media is ignoring the glaring hypocrisy and the real racists in all this, the open-borders movement. They're playing on the fact that we are so mortified as a culture of being deemed racists, that simply hinting at it is enough to get us to capitulate. For instance, the pro-illegal news site "La Voz de Aztlan", in addition to referring to much of the western United States as "Occupied Anahuac," has a broad selection of articles on their front page with seemingly racist overtones, much of them openly anti-semitic. Take for instance "L.A. Jewish Mafia" Terrorizes South Central Farmers' "Colectiva',"Anti-Mexican Jewish Bigot Identified", "Mexican Workers Humiliated by an American Jew" and a host of others. One story regarding the immigration protest march in LA even contains the following:
What does the immense success of "La Gran Marcha" mean to Mexicanos and other Latinos? It simply means that we now have the numbers, the political will and the organizational skills to direct our own destinies and not be subservient to the White and Jewish power structures.

To drive their position home, they also have two stories on their home page which I am not going to dignify by publishing links; one about American soldiers slaughtering 11 members of an Iraqi family, and one with nothing but several high resolution photographs of what purport to be American GIs having sustained major injuries in Iraq.

The anti-semitism and graphic photos of suffering US troops are evidence enough of the class of people who are organizing these events. Jorge Rodriguez, one of the organizers of the immigration rallies, when asked about the scheduled 'May Day' protests, outright declares:
"We want full amnesty, full legalization for anybody who is here (illegally)..." That is the message that is going to be played out across the country on May 1."
So essentially, they brand everyone but themselves as racist, hypocritically flaunt their blatant anti-white and anti-semitic trash, violate our laws to get into our country and then have the gonads to demand that we just grant them amnesty and make them full legal citizens.

Like hell.

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Thursday, April 27, 2006

Welcome to Paradise

Typically, when I go in for a haircut, I'll go to a little hole-in-the-wall shop in a strip mall that smells of tobacco and cigars and looks like a taxidermist's portfolio. I usually come out satisfied with the cut, but not terribly enthusiastic about the Nascar/hunting/fishing chat I was just forced to have with the 65 year old male barber, and even less satisfied about having to tip him for it.

There's a man in Massachusetts that feels my pain, and he's doing something about it. Peter Carlino is attempting to get permission from the town of Salem to open a new kind of barber shop. One where your hair is cut by an attractive woman, wearing the lingerie of your choice. The shop is called 'Paradise Cuts' appropriately enough.

I am fully aware of the arguments against this idea. Sure, it objectifies women. So do countless bars and clubs and saturday morning parking-lot carwashes. The fact is, women continue to participate in those activities, making them lucrative. This is no different. I wouldn't take my two year old son there for a trim, but you'd better believe that given the choice between having my hair cut by a ZZ-top reject or by an attractive woman whose outfit I get to pick when I make the appointment, there's really not much of a decision to be made. This is, in layman's terms, a 'no-brainer.'

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Cell phones will eat your brain

A new report out today indicates that cell phone use slows reaction times, among other effects on the brain. Anyone who's been behind someone on the road driving twenty miles an hour and weaving lazily while chatting it up already knows.

I'm just waiting on the study that shows how stupid you look to other drivers while cruising around holding a Nextel three feet from your ear.

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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Laws, we don't need no stinking laws!

Just in from the 'imagine that' department: the Washington Post is reporting:
President Bush generally favors plans to give millions of illegal immigrants a chance at U.S. citizenship without leaving the country, but does not want to be more publicly supportive because of opposition among conservative House Republicans, according to senators who attended a recent White House meeting.
Earlier this week, Bush commented that
'...massive deportation isn't going to work.'
One wonders why even have immigration laws if it's such a chore to bother enforcing them.

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Ahmadinejad Recruits Master Terrorist for Attacks on West

In the interest of pursuing the peaceful development of nuclear energy, Iran's President Ahmadinejad has now apparently recruited the services of top Lebanese terrorist Imad Mugniyah, now head of Hezbollah's global planning element.

Residing in Iran, Mugniyah is one of the FBI's ten most wanted terrorists.
US officials and Israel intelligence sources believe Imad Mugniyeh, the Lebanese commander of Hezbollah’s overseas operations, has taken charge of plotting Iran’s retaliation against western targets should President George W Bush order a strike on Iranian nuclear sites.

Mugniyeh lives in Iran and has evaded capture for more than 20 years, despite a $5m American bounty on his head. Western intelligence reports claim he has many connections to terrorist cells in Europe, Africa, Latin America and the US and he is said to have met Osama Bin Laden.

“When and if the Iranians decide to hit the West in its soft belly, Imad will be the one to act,” a western intelligence source said last week.

An Israeli defence source claimed Mugniyeh was in regular touch with the new Iranian intelligence minister, Gholamhossein Mohseni Ezhei. The minister is a long-time confidant of Ahmadinejad and was appointed by him.

“We know that Mohseni Ezhei holds routine meetings with Mugniyeh, who is today Iran’s head of overseas operations,” said the Israeli defence source.
(Source: Times Online)

Protecting your peaceful nuclear program by organizing terror attacks?

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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Iran Threatens to Cut off Relations with IAEA

Ali Larijani, secretary of the Iranian Supreme National Security Council announced today that
"If sanctions are imposed on Iran, then we will suspend our relations with the IAEA."
Time and time again, Iran shifts the focus of the whole debate to their desire for 'peaceful nuclear power.' If not for Iran's overt support of terrorism and stated desire to destroy Israel, as well as President Ahmadinejad's adherence to an sect of Islam which is actively trying to bring about their version of Armageddon, there wouldn't be such an outcry. Put simply, we can not trust Iran to stop at 'peaceful nuclear technology.'

Given all these factors, letting Iran come anywhere near having nuclear weapons is simply asking for trouble. Time and time again, this debate is framed in the context of the question 'If we can have nuclear weapons, why can't they?' The answer to that is quite simple. We don't generally go around talking about obliterating entire nations. We employ them as a deterrent. Iran is much more likely to employ them as a means of diplomacy, especially with Ahmadinejad's finger on the button.

In an interview with FrontPage Magazine, Author Ali Sadeghi, a former Iranian student and political prisoner has this to say about Iran's desire for peaceful nuclear power:
"The right for the peaceful use of nuclear energy" is a disguise the Mullahs have been using for getting nuclear weapons...[Ahmadinejad's] schizopherenic dream to wipe out another country from the world will result in complete destruction of Iran itself."

Russian authorities have refused to join the US and EU in pushing for sanctions against Iran claiming:
"sanctions could only be discussed when evidence is provided that Iran is pursuing not only peaceful work in the nuclear field."
The problem with this logic is that by the time there's concrete evidence they are working on weapons programs, it will be too late to stop them. In the interest of stabilizing the region, that's too much of a gamble to take.

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Iran Leads the Muslim World In Women's Rights

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took a break yesterday from spouting off death threats to Israel to announce an earth-shattering change to Iran's legal code. Women will now be allowed into sports stadiums.This is in order to 'promote chastity.' As we in the west know, allowing women anywhere near athletes leads to the realization of total sexual purity.

This comes on the heels of his pronouncement Sunday that
Iran's strict Islamic dress codes that require women to cover their heads and bodies should not be imposed by force.
Evidently, 'whipping 'em out' for the home team wasn't yet on his agenda. Keep your chin up, Iran.

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Monday, April 24, 2006

How to Be An Unofficial Yahoo Beta Tester

Can't get enough of web 2.0? Think AJAX is the hottest technology ever? Here's a method to get into Yahoo Mail's new AJAX-ified beta. If you're like me and have to try everything bleeding edge, here's how to do it. (Found at: Google Operating System)
1) Login to Yahoo Mail.

2) Select Mail Options.

3) Select Account information from the left panel.

4) Go to Member Information > General Preferences > Preferred Content.

5) Select Yahoo UK.

6) Select Finished.

7) Go to Yahoo Mail.

8) A page will be displayed that says “It’s the New Yahoo! Mail Beta… and you’re invited.”

9) Click on “Try Beta Now”.

Very snazzy. If I didn't consistently get 1,300 spam messages a day in my Yahoo box, I might actually use this.

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Drive it like you stole it.

I've been noticing for a while now that people who drive Mustangs and Camaros (and by extension, Firebirds/Trans Ams which are re-badged Camaros) all seem to have a common trait. They all drive them like they're running from the law. Not too long ago, I was driving past a gas station when an '05 Mustang with dark tinted windows and some 'racing club' graphics on the back window tore out of the gas station lot like the Dukes of Hazzard. Roscoe must have been hot on his tail because out of nowhere I heard the roar of an engine and tires screaming for their lives while he fishtailed out into the opposing lane before regaining control and leaving a cloud of noxious burning rubber behind.

Ordinarily I'd let it go with a trite comment about compensating for small appendages, but this time was a little different. This little display happened as I approached him at over 60 miles an hour, and nearly tore the rear end off his precious pony car. My kids were in the back seat, and laying on the brakes with children in tow is pretty nerve-wracking to say the least.

That's not the only time it's happened either; it seems that every Mustang/Camaro/Firebird comes equipped with patented 5000 decibel Obnoxious(tm) brand mufflers. The term muffler is a little misleading here, as they're more like amplifiers, really. Apparently, the only approved way to test these mufflers is to drive them up and down the streets in my neighborhood at one in the morning, gunning the engine repeatedly just to make sure everyone gets a good earful.

Even worse, it seems that I can't drive anywhere without yet another Mustang whipping through traffic, or passing everyone just to be in the front of the pack. I know you have a muscle car, people. I drive a Kia for God's sake. I'm not a threat to you. There is no need to flaunt your horsepower advantage, since the likelihood I'm going to challenge you to a race is pretty much non-existant.

I don't want to race you, I don't care how fast you can pass the six cars in front of you, I don't want to listen to the shitty rap music you're blasting at 3,000 decibels (just low enough as to not interfere with the resonance of your mufflers), your 'rims' don't impress me, and I'm still trying to figure out how you drive leaning that far back/that far to the side.

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Saturday, April 22, 2006

Gas Pains

Finally someone in Washington seems to have taken notice of the price of gasoline. Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist announced they are asking the President to look into price gouging allegations as the cost of gasoline shoots skyward.

According to the Washington Post:
Hastert and Frist's letter comes amid charges by some consumer groups and Democrats that oil companies have manipulated refineries and oil inventories to drive up prices. Hastert also took aim at the rich pay package for Exxon Mobil Corp.'s retired chief executive, which he called "unconscionable."..."The speaker is very concerned about compensation packages given to executives like Raymond at a time when families are facing choices between putting food on the table and filling their car with gasoline."
Senator Bill Nelson of Florida added:
"...Americans are frustrated, and sick and tired of billion-dollar giveaways to the oil companies, while the price of gas goes through the roof...America must act now, before soaring prices and a dependence on foreign oil puts a chokehold on our economy and military."
And yet so far, President Bush has done nothing about the issue, claiming essentially there's nothing to the charges of price gouging, and proposing only continued investment in fuel cells and increasing research funding for hybrid drive systems. This is all well and good, but does nothing to solve the crisis now. And it is a crisis. We live in a culture utterly dependent on fossil fuels and until the alternate fuel technologies are mature and cost-effective, something needs to be done to ensure our continued economic stability. As Treasury Secretary John Snow commented,
"High energy prices -- including prices at the pump -- act like a tax on the American economy."
Allowing the price of gas to continue climbing unchecked is setting us up for consequences we may not be prepared to deal with in the long term.

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When the World Isn't Looking

History may be repeating itself in China, and except for a few superficial reports here and there, nobody seems to care. Two 'sources' have now come forward publicly and spoken up about the existence of concentration camps in mainland China where organs are harvested from live prisoners. These concentration camps are reported to be spread all over the country, with one referred to as 672-S possibly detaining more than 120,000 Chinese.

If true, this casts an entirely new light on China's already abysmal human-rights abuses. According to the Epoch Times website,
Annie, whose ex-husband was a cornea specialist at the Liaoning Provincial Thrombosis Hospital, the hospital connected to the Sujiatun camp, gave an interview with The Epoch Times on March 17. She said that her husband had done operations on live Falun Gong practitioners and that the practitioners' bodies were thrown into incinerators after the operations, sometimes while they were still alive.

'Peter' the second of two sources to come forward stated:
In the past three years, I have consumed large amounts of manpower, material supplies, and financial resources, but have finally found this facility in Sujiatun, where many Falun Dafa practitioners were detained, and their cornea, organs, and bone marrow harvested live, and then their bodies cremated. Even their hair is made into wigs, and their skin and body fat is sold. The remainder of their bodies is then cremated to destroy all evidence.

At first glance, this seems implausible. Surely this type of activity went away with the Nazis. That is until you start to consider the following.
On the English version of the website of the China International Transplant Network Assistance Center (CITNAC), it is posted that it only takes one week to one month to find a kidney match. Meanwhile in the United States, the waiting period is two years or longer. We all know that kidneys and other organs are very hard to keep fresh, with a window of only 24-48 hours for a kidney, and even shorter for a heart. It is clearly shown on the Tianjin City Eastern Organ Transplant Center website that transplant procedures have largely increased in frequency since 2001.

Some organ transplant experts have expressed that in order to maintain such a quick process of organ matching between patients and donors, there must be an underground channel of live organs existing in the Shenyang City region.
Many doctors and nurses who answered the phones in the hospitals and transplant centers in Beijing and Shenyang Cities, admitted openly that the donors are all alive and very healthy, and they even directly admitted that they are Falun Gong practitioners. When specifically asked more questions, they would not talk on the phone, saying that it is a sensitive topic, and "Let us talk after you arrive here."
If there is even the remote possibility that these reports are accurate, we as a country are in bed with the devil, inextricably intertwined economically and politically. Where is the outrage? Where is the media attention? And why are we apologizing to the leader of this regime for a protocol faux-pas instead of insisting for a full accounting of these charges?

Evidently the Duke Lacrosse team 'scandal' just has bigger societal implications.

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Friday, April 21, 2006

Heckle Hu Part Two

Wenyi Wang, the woman who stood up and shouted down Chinese President Hu Jintao yesterday at the White House has now gotten a taste of the American system's limitations on 'free speech.' She was charged in a Federal court today with 'harassing, intimidating, or threatening a foreign official' according to a report filed by Reuters. This charge carries a potential sentence of six-months in jail.

Had she pulled this stunt in China, she'd be facing a little bit more than six months. She'd more likely be facing a firing squad as the Chinese regime has a nasty habit of executing or jailing dissidents. Well, that and trading in organs harvested from prisoners, arming our enemies and stealing our military secrets.

The incident 'marred the South Lawn event and created a diplomatic stir. Bush personally apologized to Hu.'I wonder if that went something like 'I'm so sorry someone called you out for being an oppressive murderous thug.' I doubt it.

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Same Propaganda, Different Day

It must take an enormous amount of effort to come up with some of the masterpieces of spin found in the middle-eastern media. Honestly, I think awards should be handed out for the expert weaving of stereotypical Islamist conspiracy theories (i.e., a Zionist behind every tree) into what appear to be legitimate news pieces. Backed up with some half-baked pseudo-logic, these stories almost seem plausible. Almost. Until you think about them. In the middle-east, this type of reporting is called journalism. Here in the U.S. where we have the benefit of not being forced to toe the party-line, it's called fiction.

Iran News Daily has a story running under the headline 'Washington's Pressure on Tehran Unjustifiable.' Granted, a contradictory headline might not meet with the greatest reception over there, but even someone with a rudimentary grasp of current events and politics would find it to be nothing more than the same old Islamist propaganda. Take for instance:
"The US does not wish Iran to access nuclear technology and ignores the security risk facing the world on account of the Zionist regime's nuclear weapons"

First off, let's just call it like it is and not hide behind the evil picture the nefarious-sounding term Zionist brings to mind. Everytime you read the word Zionist in the Islamist media, translate it as Jew or Israeli. Now that we've got that cleared up, this quote makes a bit less sense, although the first part is accurate. No, we do not want Iran to access nuclear technology. We have a good reason for that. I'll get to that in a second.

The second part of that comment is where the train starts to derail. What security risk, in all honesty, does Israel really pose to the world? Pretty much none. I know we're all worried about those radical Jews randomly nuking people. The only people worried about Israel's nuclear capabilities are the ones who don't want Israeli warheads dropping out of the sky on them should they try to 'wipe Israel off the map.' Is it beginning to make sense then that given Iran's hard-line stance and threats to destroy Israel, that maybe, just maybe, letting them have access to nuclear technology isn't the smartest thing to do? Next, we're treated to this little nugget:

The Iranian diplomat pointed to Washington's extensive assistance to Zionist officials and noted that the US approach to the Islamic resistance movement Hamas, which had been duly elected by the Palestinian people, proves that the democracy which the White House claims to champion merely secures Zionist interests.
I always enjoy seeing Hamas referred to as a 'resistance' movement instead of a 'terrorist organization.' Resistance movement just sounds so nice and friendly. For the sake of comparison, let's say any one of our homegrown domestic terror groups like the KKK, Aryan Nation, etc. were elected to a majority of seats in the House and Senate. Simply being elected fairly does not infer moral inerrancy. I'm sure our present allies and even enemies would adopt a more confrontational and unfriendly policy toward us, and that should be understood and expected. Obviously, this lesson is lost on Islamists.

Of course, what propaganda piece would be complete without the claim that the US is controlled by or controls Israel. Very typical, but always a nice stylistic touch. I also found this comment somewhat out of place:
"Meanwhile, during a meeting with Lebanon's Christian leader Cardinal Nasrallah Sfeir, Edrissi congratulated the leader on the occasion of Easter."

How quaint.

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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Hu Du Yu Think Yu Are?

Chinese President Hu Jintao received an unpleasant little surprise Thursday morning during his arrival ceremony at the White House. While he was delivering his remarks, a woman in the crowd began shouting

"President Bush: Stop him from killing" and, "President Bush, stop him from persecuting the Falun Gong."

Ironically, the AP news story about this incident doesn't even touch on the Falun Gong or China's brutal oppression of the movement. It does launch into a nice left-slanted spin, stating:

China "must know that this Bush administration is good at controlling crowds for themselves, and the fact that they couldn't control this is going to play to their worse fears and suspicions about the United States, into mistrust about American intentions toward China."

What about Chinese intentions? reports:
"Additionally, since the "beginning of the war in Iraq," he said, "Beijing has worked feverishly ... in an apparent effort to prevent US military action against the remaining 'axis of evil' members, Iran and North Korea. In addition to recent massive energy deals with Teheran, which place Iran in China's security web, both Beijing and Moscow have accelerated the transfer of missile technology to Teheran, while selling the Islamic republic increasingly sophisticated military equipment."

Hu deserves more than just a little heckling, he deserves some very close scrutiny.

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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Georgia Passes New Immigration Law; Mexico Cries Foul

The governor of Georgia is my hero of the day. Governor Sonny Perdue signed the 'Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act into law, in effect cutting off the flow of state services to illegal immigrants and imposing stricter controls on their employment.

Perdue stated:
"It's our responsibility to ensure that our famous Georgia hospitality is not abused, that our taxpayers are not taken advantage of and that our citizens are protected.

The new law puts the impetus on employers to verify the legal status of job applicants and new employees, and requires police notification of criminal activity by illegals.

The GSICA further limits commercial services to illegals and imposes new fines and prison terms for related offenses. These are all common sense steps taken to enforce the immigration laws that are already on the books, while helping to curtail further problems by asserting these new controls.

Interestingly, the Mexican government weighed in today condeming the new law. According to the BBC (I can't for the life of me imagine why I didn't see any coverage of Mexico's response in the US media):
Presidential spokesman Ruben Aguilar said the legislation discriminated against Mexicans and that diplomats would monitor how it was applied.
Let's talk about that for a moment. The Mexican government might want to do a little research into their own laws before they start attempting to re-write ours. The Center for Security Policyhas some interesting reading material available outlining Mexico's very own polcies regarding illegal immigration. Here's a little sample: Article 9 of the Mexican constitution specifies
"only citizens of the Republic may take part in the political affairs of the country."
Article 33 takes it a bit further
"Foreigners may not in any way participate in the political affairs of the country."
So much for sneaking over and protesting THEIR laws.

The Mexican constitution further denies basic property rights and equal employment rights while also disallowing them from public or military service. Foreign nationals are even prevented from becoming members of the clergy.

Perhaps most interesting of all is another tidbit from Article 33
"The Federal Executive shall have the exclusive power to compel any foreigner whose remaining he may deem inexpedient to abandon the national territory immediately and without the necessity of previous legal action."
Let's just forget the new crackdown on illegal immigration. Why bother writing a new set of laws or even enforcing our existing ones. Let's just adopt Mexico's immigration policy; it seems to cover all the bases pretty well. Sadly, if we tried similar measures here, the first cries of racism would come before the ink dried on the bill.

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Monday, April 17, 2006

Islam's Public Relations Crisis

This may come as a shock to you, so I hope you're sitting down. Seeing as most people surf the internet in exactly that position, here goes; USA Today is reporting that Americans have a negative view of Islam!

According to the article:
'Some Muslims say conveying a peaceful image of Islam is tougher now than it was after the Sept. 11 attacks, and they blame a daily barrage of negative media images.'

Would that be images of hijacked jetliners crashing into the Trade Center and the Pentagon, killing thousands of civilians? Or maybe images of bombs going off in London or Madrid during rush hour? Surely not images of Muslims sawing off the heads of captives, right? And I know they couldn't be referring to images of the aftermath of one suicide bombing after another, from Iraq to Israel. Definitely not images of rioting Muslims pissed off by a series of cartoons, throwing rocks and sticks, burning flags, and chanting 'Death to America, Death to Israel, Death to the Infidels and so on.'

The rest of the article goes on to sound like an Islamic apologetics piece, blaming the negative view of Islam not on the actions of terrorists, (or the nature of the Koran) but on American's failure to understand the nature of the middle east.

Imam Hassan Qazwini, head of the Islamic Center of Dearborn is quoted as saying:

"How is it that when Pat Robertson calls for the murder of the president of a sovereign country that nobody said Christianity is promoting violence and murder?"
Pat Robertson, as I've mentioned before on at least one occasion is a total moron and a disgrace to the Christian faith. Nevertheless, his comments to that effect are the exception in Christianity, not the rule. I've lost count of how many named and un-named 'Islamic Clerics' who have been spotlighted in the media calling for violence on a daily basis in the Mosques of the world.

Rana Abbas, deputy director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee in Michigan said to USA Today:
"It's really hard right now for moderate Muslims to get their message out."
I have to disagree. It's not hard. Speak up. When there's a suicide attack, a bombing, a beheading, a threat, or whatever, simply speak up. Denounce it, call for an end to it, do what a real 'Moderate Muslim' should do. Work internally and externally to end the problem. Don't just sit back and complain about how sad it is that we (being the non-Muslim majority) don't understand you, and how we unfairly think of you all as terrorists. If Islam is peaceful, take it back from the terrorists in the name of peace. Whining and complaining about bad PR isn't going to solve anything.

Do something about it.

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Sunday, April 16, 2006

Who do you want to spy on today?

At first I truly didn't believe this was real. In fact, it looked outright fake. After looking into it, it certainly appears to be legitimate, and if so, the implications are rather frightening. Microsoft aided in the creation of a new bill before the Oklahoma State House called the Computer Spyware Protection Act (H.B. 2083). Designed ostensibly to protect consumers from malicious spyware and viruses, the bill contains some other interesting clauses. According Ben Fenwick at the Oklahoma Gazette:
"...the proposed law would allow any company from whom you bought upgradable software the freedom to come onto your computer for 'detection or prevention of the unauthorized use of or fraudulent or other illegal activities in connection with a network, service, or computer software, including scanning for and removing computer software prescribed under this act.”

Essentially, under this act, any company from whom a customer purchases software can scan that customer's system for pirated versions of their software, erase software or mine for data and pass along anything they find to whomever they please with complete freedom - legally.

This is a disgusting abuse of privacy, and more so, of the EULA system. It fully takes advantage of the practice of 'just clicking accept' to install software without fully reading the EULA in order to enable what are essentially 'warrantless searches.' What's even more sickening is that it's been given such an innocuous, hard to hate name in order to disguise its contents. I for one hope that someone with a backbone stands up to this and shuts it down before it spreads nationwide.

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Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Um, say what?

I was greeted with this at the park last night. This warning gets more ominous the more you think about it; mercifully, no Village People were in sight.

When Atheists Attack

I consider myself a Christian, though admittedly I have a fair amount of work to do in that regard. As a Christian, and as a man, it both saddens and angers me to see my beliefs misquoted, disrespected, derided or outright called lies in every conceivable medium on a regular basis. Go to any web forum discussing Christianity and tally up the number of hateful comments. Take particular note of the almost instantaneous 'flaming' of any pro-Christian comments. I do my best to respect other faiths provided those faiths don't call for my murder or a billion years of reincarnated servitude to a bad science-fiction writer. That being said and my disdain for some belief systems aside, I respect the rights of their adherents to practice them. I don't attempt to 'force my religion' on others; I try to act as I believe a good person and a Christian should act, and if that inspires others to choose Christianity as well, then so be it.

For some reason, it has become fashionable to hate Christians, interfere with their right to worship in private and public places, and belittle them at every opportunity in any available medium. (Actually, it's been more or less in vogue since its inception.) This same practice doesn't seem to apply to any other faiths, and in fact, try to accomplish any of the above listed activities with regard to any other religion and you'll most likely have to contend with that lost branch of Stalin's government, the ACLU.

As a Christian, I will speak up for my faith when it is attacked, but I will not interfere with another's right to practice theirs. I generally find it bad form to interrupt conversations with God.

I understand there are people out there who are atheists, and I respect their right to that belief. Is it asking too much for them to simply respect my right to my own without resorting to immature and childish antics to spread their message? Atheists have decided to fire a salvo across the bow of Christians by waging their own 'War on Easter.' They accomplish this by going around and planting copies of a DVD denying the historical existence of Jesus at, near, or in churches of any denomination, and then sending photographs of themselves doing so back to the organizer's website to receive more copies to plant. In their defense, they claim they are not spreading hate, they are spreading truth. To them, I'm sure they are. To others, they're pulling juvenile stunts roughly comparable to taking pictures of themselves 'tagging' buildings with graffiti, and insulting an entire faith in the process.

Their right to free speech protects this activity but it's still lacking in class to be sure. Sadly, it gets a bit more insidious from here. As a man of moral conviction and as a father, I will also speak up when innocent children are targeted for victimization. The deliberate selection of children as targets of opportunity places the 'attacker' in a class no higher than a common criminal, and morally somewhere between bankrupt and reprehensible. It is simply inexcusable in any context to do so. I was frankly repulsed by the comment
"Ideally, these DVDs will be discovered by a worshipper during the Easter Sunday worship service
or by children hunting for Easter eggs."
At this point, I thought that surely this was just this particular author's interpretation of their goal, and not the actual intent. Following the link back to the main 'project' site, I read a bit, and come across this:
"Try to imagine the moment that your DVD or flyer is discovered. What would make the most dramatic impact?
How can you increase the likelihood that a child will discover it first?"

There is absolutely nothing respectable or tasteful about this, and I find it repulsive and predatory. By doing this, they're accomplishing the same thing they accuse Christians of; attempting to force their beliefs on others. They're not attempting to 'educate' anyone. They're doing it for the bragging rights of having done it, and they're going about it in a way that shames other atheists who have more intelligent and upfront ways of expressing their views.

The very verbiage on their site belies the fact that they are doing this in a covert, dishonest manner; the choice of words sounds like something to be found in a criminal's handbook:
If you feel a bad vibe in the middle of a mission, just abort. There are churches everywhere. The next one you try will probably be a cakewalk. (A regular one, not the Iraq kind.) Just approach each target as if you are looking around, interested in the architecture (that’s why you have the camera). Then if it feels right, plant your items.
It's all wrapped up nicely by the author commenting that if 'someone is to criticize [them], it should be for telling the truth.' Is that the same truth as their presence being justified by an interest in church architecture? If they can't even tell the truth about why they are there in the first place, what does that say about their ability to justify all their subsequent claims? If they've got so much to say, why not say it publicly and in a manner that isn't designed to be disrespectful from the outset? Couple that with their choice of tactics and come to your own decision.

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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Scientology's Achilles Heel

Tom Cruise is up to his couch-jumping antics again in the May issue of GQ magazine. Evidently a little of the Xenu-love is all it takes to cure someone of just about anything, including drug abuse. Cruise even makes the claim that he can 'get someone off heroin in three days' using Scientology methods. It's a pity it can't cure him of being an over-rated sub-par actor.

Continuing where he left off with Matt Lauer, Brooke Shields, and Oprah, Cruise again lashed out at the practice of psychiatry/psychology and especially at the use of prescription anti-depressants. (Someone with his bank account probably has no use for them, so it stands to reason he'd have little understanding of the issue.) His self-proclaimed 'intensive study' of the field of mental health no doubt relates to his obsessive absorbtion of the writings of L. Ron Hubbard. Hubbard himself has been proven to have been a compulsive liar, drug addict, and fraud, even commenting at one point in his life that 'the best way to get rich is to invent a religion.'

Who do I believe? Modern medical science, or L. Ron Hubbard? Hmm.

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Monday, April 10, 2006

Now it just needs spinners

This is quite possibly the most brilliant and amusing thing I've seen in quite a while.

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Here They Grow

Now that I've gotten my big rant off my chest, I need to record some big family milestones. On Sunday, Jack got his first big-boy bed. It's one of those little tykes ones that looks like a blue Ferrari. His eyes lit up like spotlights when he saw it and he immediately jumped on it and pulled a blanket over himself, telling me he was going 'Nye-night.' My little man is getting so big; he deserves a bed that cool.

Aeryn still has two teeth. Sort of. I don't think she's ever actually going to get any more. She's 14 months old and has one bottom front tooth and half the corresponding top tooth. She's so ridiculously cute. Her big event: I picked her up after her nap and as usual, she danced and raised her arms and called me 'Da-da'. I replied with'Hi Aeryn...can you say Aeryn?' and she stunned me with 'Ahwah.' Not once, but three times.

These are moments you just don't get everyday. It's hard to see them grow and change, but yet it's so fulfilling. Every day I get to learn a little more about them, and although I am bristling with excitement about the day they're old enough to really talk with them, I can wait. I love watching them get there, it's the greatest show on Earth.

The Disjointed States of Meximerica

I know for a fact I'm going to be labeled a racist neocon hatemonger for this, but only by people too stupid to understand what I'm about to say. If you are a democrat, communist, or even remotely liberal, please do yourself a favor and read this twice, then ask someone else to go over it with you. Ok, that being said here we go.

Evidently myself and a limited number of other Americans are the only ones who've noticed that something is not rotten in Denmark. Quite the contrary, they're the ones flipping the bird to people out to destroy their culture. Here in the good ol' USA, we're standing by and letting it happen while left-wingers cloak the immigration issue in the guise of the all powerful and mystical 'Civil Rights' aura. It's disgusting how we as a nation have become not a nation of principle, but a nation of tolerance. Tolerance is not something to be proud of. You 'tolerate' a child acting up in public until you can discipline him without making a scene. Our culture has come to view closely held principles as ideological hatred of differentiation. Somewhere along the line, we've been told that we should soften our beliefs, and be tolerant of things we might disagree with. This is precisely why America no longer has a spine and is suffering from a major global identity crisis. We're no longer capable of speaking with one voice; we're barely capable of speaking with one language.

Case in point; the immigration protests. According to the Christian Science Monitor, this Monday, April 10th, illegal immigrants are again planning to protest in some 90 cities nationwide alongside legal immigrants, pleading for a change to US immigration policy. Specifically, they are complaining about crackdowns on border security and the reclassification of illegal entry into this country as a felony offense.

Illegal Immigrants are attempting to change US policy, and for some reason, we're listening. Imagine the headlines if Americans started sneaking into Canada en masse and then demanding Canada give them welfare, college tuition breaks and other subsidies. Oh and while they're at it, start protesting their border restrictions and immigration laws. Ok, well, Canada being the liberal nirvana it is might not be the best example, but you get the point. Even Canada would tell us to get the hell out and go home.

Adding insult to injury, at least one high school has banned the display of the American flag as it may incite violence. Here's a clue; it's not the American flag that is pissing people off. It's the illegal immigrants and their supporters tearing down the American flag and raising the Mexican one over US territory.

We have immigration policies in place for those who want to come in and be a contributing member of our society. Those who sneak in and violate that law should be treated as criminals. They violated the damned LAW to get here. Why is that so astonishingly hard to grasp? It's very simple. If you want to change our rules, play by them.

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Sunday, April 9, 2006

Is it a lung? An intestine? No, it's Mohammed!

I caught this on Drudge last night. Lying there in the blood and gore next to a single sandal and what appears to be, of all things, a rosary, what should appear but a picture of - could it be - Mohammed? It almost appears to be one of those little personal fans like they used to give out at church when I was a kid; the ones with the happy scene on a piece of cardboard stuck to a popsicle stick.

I was under the impression that pictures of Mohammed were bad. Very bad. Jihad bad. But there, lying in the guts, there he is. In the middle of Iraq, someone decided that it would be a good idea to carry a picture of Mohammed? Interesting, no? Even more interesting is that the person who wore the sandal and carried the picture of Mohammed was apparently blown off the face of the planet by someone who was inspired to kill by Mohammed's religion of peace.

I guess you could say it takes guts to be a Muslim.

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Wednesday, April 5, 2006

The Christal Ball Was Right

Not too long ago, I predicted that Apple would somehow enable windows apps to run natively on OSX 10.5 Leopard. It looks like I was at least partially correct, as Apple just released a beta version of their 'Boot Camp' software which enables Intel-based macs to boot Windows XP.

I personally have no desire to do such a thing as I spent plenty of years using Windows and itching to get away from it. I often found myself needing a shower after using it. Now that I've been away for over a year, I really don't think I'd ever particularly care to use it again if I can at all avoid it. Hackers and advocates of 'choice on the desktop' everywhere are relishing the news, no doubt. More power to them, but I'll stick with OSX.

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Sunday, April 2, 2006

Somnambulent Sputterings

I might be off base here given the fact that I'm relatively sure I'm already asleep - but wouldn't it make sense to be able to swipe a credit card at a laundromat? My thigh's got a bruise the size of an apple from lugging laundry up and down three flights of stairs to our non-change-machine equipped in-building laundry room with twenty dollars worth of quarters in the pocket of my cargo shorts. 

Yes, I said twenty dollars.  We had a lot of laundry to catch up on.  Moving always seems to mess with that first.  On top of the sheer aggravation of having to waste a large chunk of a perfectly nice day washing clothes, I had to suffer the additional pain in the ass of having to find a place to actually GET that many quarters at one o'clock on a Saturday afternoon.

With something on the order of 14 trips up and down the stairs, I finally wrapped up just after midnight. Now completely quarterless, bruised, and thoroughly drained of energy I'm infinitely more aware that some cardio training would be a good thing.

Saturday, April 1, 2006

San Francisco Sucks (Oh, the Irony)

If you're like most people, you probably didn't hear much if anything at all about a huge Christian rally called 'Battlecry for a Generation' in San Francisco recently.  Approximately 25,000 young Christians met up to worship together and make a statement against the glorification of drugs, alcohol, promiscuous and risky sexual behavior, selfish humanism and perversion in youth culture. 

Judging by the response of the city government, you'd think Adolf Hitler himself had spontaneously returned from the grave, materialized a legion of black-shirted SS troops and announced the creation of the Fourth Reich.  According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Assemblyman Mark Leno, Democrat and gay activist (wow, imagine those two terms in the same sentence) condemned the event in no uncertain terms saying "they're loud, they're obnoxious, they're disgusting, and they should get out of San Francisco." In fact, the city actually issued an official condemnation of the event.

Obviously, it bears repeating at this point that the democratic/homosexual agenda will fight tirelessly for freedom of expression, but this extends only as far as it does not involve allowing anyone to publicly disagree with their cause.   What's truly sad about this attitude is the stunning degree of hostility toward this event, especially in light of the city supervisors' statement that San Francisco is 'America's most tolerant, progressive city.'

Evidently that tolerance doesn't apply to anyone who is not gay, didn't vote Kerry, or is Christian.  The type of tolerance San Francisco practices has proved fruitful, especially to those who like a staggering HIV/AIDS rate, and more gay prostitutes on the streets than cops.  I suppose these young Christians would seem disgusting to someone of Mr. Leno's persuasion.  After all, they are out there encouraging such hateful behavior as compassion, sexual purity, and accountability.

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