Thursday, April 20, 2006

Hu Du Yu Think Yu Are?

Chinese President Hu Jintao received an unpleasant little surprise Thursday morning during his arrival ceremony at the White House. While he was delivering his remarks, a woman in the crowd began shouting

"President Bush: Stop him from killing" and, "President Bush, stop him from persecuting the Falun Gong."

Ironically, the AP news story about this incident doesn't even touch on the Falun Gong or China's brutal oppression of the movement. It does launch into a nice left-slanted spin, stating:

China "must know that this Bush administration is good at controlling crowds for themselves, and the fact that they couldn't control this is going to play to their worse fears and suspicions about the United States, into mistrust about American intentions toward China."

What about Chinese intentions? reports:
"Additionally, since the "beginning of the war in Iraq," he said, "Beijing has worked feverishly ... in an apparent effort to prevent US military action against the remaining 'axis of evil' members, Iran and North Korea. In addition to recent massive energy deals with Teheran, which place Iran in China's security web, both Beijing and Moscow have accelerated the transfer of missile technology to Teheran, while selling the Islamic republic increasingly sophisticated military equipment."

Hu deserves more than just a little heckling, he deserves some very close scrutiny.

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