Monday, April 10, 2006

The Disjointed States of Meximerica

I know for a fact I'm going to be labeled a racist neocon hatemonger for this, but only by people too stupid to understand what I'm about to say. If you are a democrat, communist, or even remotely liberal, please do yourself a favor and read this twice, then ask someone else to go over it with you. Ok, that being said here we go.

Evidently myself and a limited number of other Americans are the only ones who've noticed that something is not rotten in Denmark. Quite the contrary, they're the ones flipping the bird to people out to destroy their culture. Here in the good ol' USA, we're standing by and letting it happen while left-wingers cloak the immigration issue in the guise of the all powerful and mystical 'Civil Rights' aura. It's disgusting how we as a nation have become not a nation of principle, but a nation of tolerance. Tolerance is not something to be proud of. You 'tolerate' a child acting up in public until you can discipline him without making a scene. Our culture has come to view closely held principles as ideological hatred of differentiation. Somewhere along the line, we've been told that we should soften our beliefs, and be tolerant of things we might disagree with. This is precisely why America no longer has a spine and is suffering from a major global identity crisis. We're no longer capable of speaking with one voice; we're barely capable of speaking with one language.

Case in point; the immigration protests. According to the Christian Science Monitor, this Monday, April 10th, illegal immigrants are again planning to protest in some 90 cities nationwide alongside legal immigrants, pleading for a change to US immigration policy. Specifically, they are complaining about crackdowns on border security and the reclassification of illegal entry into this country as a felony offense.

Illegal Immigrants are attempting to change US policy, and for some reason, we're listening. Imagine the headlines if Americans started sneaking into Canada en masse and then demanding Canada give them welfare, college tuition breaks and other subsidies. Oh and while they're at it, start protesting their border restrictions and immigration laws. Ok, well, Canada being the liberal nirvana it is might not be the best example, but you get the point. Even Canada would tell us to get the hell out and go home.

Adding insult to injury, at least one high school has banned the display of the American flag as it may incite violence. Here's a clue; it's not the American flag that is pissing people off. It's the illegal immigrants and their supporters tearing down the American flag and raising the Mexican one over US territory.

We have immigration policies in place for those who want to come in and be a contributing member of our society. Those who sneak in and violate that law should be treated as criminals. They violated the damned LAW to get here. Why is that so astonishingly hard to grasp? It's very simple. If you want to change our rules, play by them.

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