Sunday, April 9, 2006

Is it a lung? An intestine? No, it's Mohammed!

I caught this on Drudge last night. Lying there in the blood and gore next to a single sandal and what appears to be, of all things, a rosary, what should appear but a picture of - could it be - Mohammed? It almost appears to be one of those little personal fans like they used to give out at church when I was a kid; the ones with the happy scene on a piece of cardboard stuck to a popsicle stick.

I was under the impression that pictures of Mohammed were bad. Very bad. Jihad bad. But there, lying in the guts, there he is. In the middle of Iraq, someone decided that it would be a good idea to carry a picture of Mohammed? Interesting, no? Even more interesting is that the person who wore the sandal and carried the picture of Mohammed was apparently blown off the face of the planet by someone who was inspired to kill by Mohammed's religion of peace.

I guess you could say it takes guts to be a Muslim.

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